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"Your tutor will be at the library waiting for you after school at three o'clock..." She plucked her keys to her office and the apartment off the key rack next to where she picked up her dull yellow raincoat, for the forecast called for a thunder storm and rain. She had barely glanced at me since I said what I said yesterday at the subway entrance. However, she was still making me go to school by having my only friend who happened to be a guy, pick me up and make sure I didn't ditch. His name was Terrence and well, he was sort of a nerd. But, I had been his only friend since middle school and he was my only friend so we stuck together.

"Ember, try this time.....I want you to do well in school so you can succeed in life and get a great job and make someone of yourself."

I ran my finger along the grains of the small wooden table i leaned on in the kitchen,"Yeah." Was all I had said to her since we spoke yesterday. I was sick of her "caring" about me and deciding things for me. I wasn't a child anymore and she knew it.

"Look I have to go, but I think we should talk tonight about everything that happened. Okay?"


"Fine, have a good day at school."

"Yeah." I turned away as she closed the door behind her leaving me alone, but only for a moment. A knock sounded on the door and I just yelled, "Terrence you can come in."

The door clicked open and closed lightly, but the footsteps were heavy as Terrence shifted his weight from on converse shoe to the other. "Hey, Ember!"

"In here!"

He appeared in the door way wearing his usual worn jeans, a rock band t-shirt, worn red converse, and his blue crystal eyes stared at me. He never drew attention like I did, but that's what made us such great friends. He was quiet and a good guy while I was loud and rebellious, we evened each other out.

He asked,"So, I'm here to make sure you stop ditching." He plucked an apple from the bowl on the table,"May I ask why you ditch?"

I shot him a glare,"No you can't ask why."

He put his arms up in surrender, but only tested my anger as he lowered his arm to take a bite out of the apple. I growled slightly in my throat,"Terrence! Please can you just tell Jessica that I went to school....I need to do something today."

I shuffled over to my school books only to move them aside to find my phone. "And what do you need to do today?"

Terrence always was like a brother to me and just like Jessica it had been irritating me lately. Who do they think they are.....My father? A sharp pain ran through me making me stagger forward. Why didn't I say my mother? She was the one still alive. My father was dead....wasn't he?

Another sharp pain hit me in the chest. It felt like it was splitting in half. I hated the feeling and then the little voice came back in my head. The same voice from when I had just seen that blue box. It spoke louder this time in my head, I will save you. And it was gone, but the pain wasn't.

Terrence asked,"Ember....." he was at my side clutching my elbow trying to suport me,"Ember, what is it?"

I clutched my chest and shook my head,"It's nothing, just a pain here." I pointed to my chest and from his mother being a nurse apparently it was a bad thing because his eyes widened.

"Ember, we need to take you to the hospital."

"No! I'm not going to some stupid hospital!" I stepped away from him and to leaned against the wall for support.

"Ember, you might be having a heart attack! Now come on!" he took my hand firmly in his and I saw him look down at our interlocked fingers and I could've sworn he blushed a little, before he started to pull me toward the door. As his fingers wrapped around the door handle, the pain was gone as sudden as it had come and my back straightened so I stood tall. What the hell just happened???? Did I have like a heart attack??? But, I was only sixteen. Teenagers didn't get heart attacks....or did they?

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