I Believe?

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My feet slammed into the muddy roads as I gazed upon the detailed store fronts and homes. This is not happening! I'm dreaming! I have to be dreaming! I hoped out of the way as a horse and buggy zoomed past covering my shoes in mud. This is crazy!!! How did I go back in time? It had to be that blue box. But, if this is real.........how much of what they said is true as well?

I saw the doctor and a short woman with black hair done up into a bun and wearing a dark lethal looking black outfit, pop out of the doorway to the Lizard women's house. I would never be able to hide from these people so why keep running?

While I marched across the muddy roads avoiding the glances of England walker's I saw the Doctor look at me and he seemed more tense than ever. When I reached the doorway of the house the short woman asked in a British accent,"So your, Ember?"

I nodded,"Seems so." Turning to look at the Doctor I could feel something watching us from the streets. "Doctor, what is it?"

He shook his head slightly and looked down at me,"Nothing....I thought.....never mind."

He put a hand on my shoulder and I felt it again. That feeling of comfort, that I was safe whenever he was nearby. I asked,"Doctor?"

He escorted me inside the house again,"Yes."

"If all you said was true......" I paused,"How did you know my parents?"

I could tell he was cautious of the words he said next,"Your mother and I were close friends before she met your father."

I raised an eyebrow,"Did you guess like date?"

He shook his head and smirked,"Of course not! She was very in to your father and I was like her...best friend."

"So, is there anything that you can tell me about her?"

He stopped and looked at me, like truly looked at me for the first time since he kidnapped me. "You.....you have your mother's eyes."

I looked at him and smirked,"What about my dad?"

He turned away and we continued to walk until we stopped outside of his blue box, he sighed,"You are irrational like your father."

He stepped inside his box and I stared after him and knew he was mocking me. I yelled as I ran after him,"I am NOT irrational."

He switched some buttons on the control center to the tardis. I pointed a finger at him,"Your irrational.....I am not irrational."

He leaned against the switch board,"Really? So running straight into the middle of Victorian London without a thought in your head is not considered irrational?"

I furrowed my eyebrows,"I did have one thought in my head..... It was 'I need to get away from these crazy lunatics, you being the craziest."

He echoed,"Lunatics? Why lunatics?"

"Because you believe in time travel and...."

"And you don't believe?"

I looked at him and swatted his question away,"And your friends with a woman who wear a lizard mask...."

He was at my side now,"And you don't believe?"

I looked him in those pale blue eyes of his,"No I don't."

He smiled,"Excellent." Turning on the edge of the control panel he flicked switches as she spun around the panels.

"What in the name sanity are you doing?"I mumbled.

He looked at me oddly as he asked,"What did you say?!?"

I shrugged,"Nothing, it wasn't....."

He pointed a finger at me as he said with defiance, that made me imagine him commanding a whole army,"No, you said something! Now what was it?"

I looked at him,"I said 'What in the name of sanity are you doing?'" I paused,"Why??"

He looked at the panel as if he could no longer bare to look my way,"It's nothing just that.....your mother said that one time but it was about a fez I wore once."

I leaned on the control center of the tardis,"You wore a fez?"

He smirked and seemed to cheer up as he switched some more switches,"Of course.....Fezzes are cool!"

With that he pulled a lever and the room lurched forward and I clutched onto a handle by the control panels.

I could see him smiling out of the corner of my eye as he yelled,"Geronimo!!"

I felt the air compress and my ears pop as I yelled,"You really are a mad man with a box!!!!"

He began to laugh and I felt that awful pain in my chest again like my heart was ripping in half. But, with the air feeling like it was being sucked from my lungs and the feeling of my brain combusting, I could barely notice the pain.

Suddenly it all stopped and I stumbled against the railing as the Doctor laughed and patted the controls,"Wow! It's been a long time, hasn't it girl."

I clutched my head,"I need to make a correction.....your a mad man who talks to his box."

He patted the machine again and looked at me,"She can hear me, you know. And after all she does for me, she deserves to be congratulated once in a while."

I smirked,"Well, if she took me home ill love her just as much."

A rumble shook the ground and the tardis as the Doctor ran to the boxes doors to spread his arms wide and look at me,"Too bad you'll just have to hate her a while longer, because Ember Smith...." He tapped my nose as I came to stand in front of him,"You are far from home."

He opened the worn wooden doors, to expose a tropical forest. However, as I opened my mouth to say how ordinary it looked a long neck appeared above the trees and than another and another. A bird flew over head, but it wasn't a bird but a dinosaur like the ones that chopped on the trees before us. I stepped onto the hard packed dirt to see the scene more clearly. A volcano sat far above the tears and smoke billowed from the top, giving me the answer to the disturbance we felt inside the tardis. I thought maybe when we had apparently time traveled to Victorian London that some people just really loved the time period and had done some extreme role play, but this.....this was something beyond role play.

He chimed into my thoughts,"You are seven billion years away from home to be exact."

I looked at him as he came to stand beside me,"Those.....those are dinosaurs!"

He looked over to the long necked prehistoric dinosaurs,"Yeah, you should've seen them on a spaceship! Now that was a party!"

I looked at him and stuttered,"Time travel....it's impossible!!"

"So you still don't believe it even after all this?"

I looked at the volcano and the flying pterodactyls as I shook my head,"No after this..." I looked at him,"I so believe it's real. I mean there actual dinosaurs!!!"

As I gazed in wonder I felt something stir inside me. And I knew this was the start of many many many adventures.


Sorry that I haven't updated in a while the end of school was really crazy but here you are the next chapter and one soon to come I promise. Thanks to all that read this and remember....




Love ya guys and remember FEZZES ARE COOL!!!!


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