Time Lord?

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Back in the tardis he switched some switches and the familiar whoosh told me we had probably left the prehistoric period. I gazed around the tardis again to ask,"If your a time traveler, how old does that make you?"

I heard him laugh lightly behind me as he announced, "I am 1132 years old."

I whirled on my heels, "Really? But, you don't look your age." He smiled and straightened his now tie and I added, "With the exception of the bow tie of course."

His smile faded, "Bow ties are cool, though."

"Not in 2013, their not."

"We are not in the year 2013 are we?"

I shrugged, "Probably not, which leads me to ask. Where are we going now?"

He looked down at the control panel and his smile reappeared, "Anywhere you would like to go."

"Well going home is an option is it?"

I could see his face change again as he shook his head, "No. No it's not."

I leaned on the control panel, "Not like I would want to now after I just figured out I maybe an alien and there is such a thing as time travel, but why can't I? I know you said it was dangerous, but I mean come on it's New York City, is it ever truly safe?"

"No of course not! Not with the Angels running a muck there every century." He mumbled under his breathe.

"Wait! Did you just say Angels?" He went out of my view as he worked at the switches. I moved so I was beside him, "Why would that be a bad thing? Aren't Angel's good?"

"Only the heavenly kind. These angel's are nothing but stone cold." He cracked a smile as if he found it funny, but cleared his throat.

"So, if I can't home....still don't know why..." I mumbled, "I get to pick were we get to go?"

"Any where, any time." He gave me a corky smile and I drummed my fingers on the panels.

My mind was blank. How could I ever pick one place and one time to go through out history and time. I mean how many galaxies could be out there just revolving around like ours. To see all the stars of time and space would be like seeing Bigfoot or some mystical figure. Of course if time travel was true what could also be true? All those myths and fairytales my mother use to read to me when I was little, could them be true? And then it dawned on me, it was exactly where I wanted to go.

I smiled, "I want to see where I was born. You know because everyone keeps claiming I'm an alien."

However, as I expected him to smile at my interest in seeing my home planet or where ever I hailed from, his express became sad. Very sad. His voice was soft, barely audible, "Ember, that planet no longer is inhabitant. There is nothing to see there."

"But, I still want to see where I came from. Can I please go see it?" I clasped my hands together as I begged, "Please, I want to see where my parents use to live even if it's not still there, just to feel the air they once breathed or where I may have once grown up instead of Earth. Please?"

His mouth quivered and he sighed, "Fine, but after we visit the planet, I get to pick were we go next. Deal?"

I nodded and that's when the tardis lurched forward and we flew through space in time. Like before I got the feeling of the air being sucked from my lungs, but the pain was different. Instead of the pain that felt like my heart tearing into two, I felt a tickle. It forced a smile to spread across my face. Maybe I was just excited to see where I came from, but I felt like a whole new person. Like I was free or something had changed about me.

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