Back Again?

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The hum of the late life of New York City, brought me no comfort as I bounced on the toes of my worn combat boots. The annoying hand warned me not to enter the domain of the street as cars raced past sending a breeze that carried my parka flying around my stomach and my hair in swirls to hit Terrence's blue eyes.

As he brought his hand up to rub at the irritated area he sighed, "Ember, are you sure you want to do this?" I glanced at him over my shoulder, "I mean last time you saw this guy, well you remember. You just got over all of this do you seriously want to...."

"Terrence, I don't want to do anything." My voice let out an icy puff of air as the hand finally flashed to the small white man signaling us to walk. Terrence sprinted to catch up with me as I took off, "But, I have to do this."

"Ember, you don't have to do anything. You're your own person no one can control you."

I rolled my eyes as I flung my fake fur hood up over my head, "I have to do this, Terrence."

"Do you? Just because The Doctor told you?"

We had gotten to safety on the other side of the street where I spun on him, "Whose side are you on?" He shoved his hands in his coat pockets, "Only a few hours ago, you were so inclined to ask me all these questions about the Doctor. Not to mention how 'awesome' you thought all this time travel, aliens, and crap was throughout the year!"

"That was before. I didn't actually think he would ever see you again, let alone get you back involved with all this business." 

My eyes narrowed instantly, "If you are so against this idea of me going back, then why don't you just leave?"

My frozen fingers grasped my purse strap to begin my trudge toward the cafe only to hear Terrence call my name. I made no trace of slowing down, but with being on track for eight years he traveled the distance in seconds. 

His gloved hand touched my arm slightly, "Look, Ember, I just don't want you to go back to being like you were when The Doctor had left a year ago. " 

He sighed and I saw the white cloud from the corner of my eye fade into the street lights ray above us. "I....I.....Ember you're friend, "I could tell he was struggling with his words. From under his own hood I could see those crystal blue eyes that glanced constantly behind him. "I would never want anything bad to happen to you."

His eyes watched a man get into his car across the street from us making him seem that much more like the big brother I had always pictured him to be. My fingers released my purse strap to let it settle back against my shoulder, and my fingers intertwined with Terrence's gloved fingers making him snap to attention. Now I was caught in his gaze, making me smirk, "Nothing bad will happen to me, okay? I just have to do this." 

The soft fabric brought my fingers warmth as he nodded slowly, "Fine, but if something doesn't seem right, promise me we'll leave?"

"Yes, I promise." I let go of his hand only to catch him frown slightly as I turned, "C'mon it's just another block."


We sat at the exact same computer we had only a year ago and  Terrence had gone to order us a coffee from the barely awake worker. Only one other person occupied the cafe and he seemed to be drunk and sulking in his life over in the dark corner booth. 

It had only been a year since he had come into my life. And it had only been a year short of a few days I had shut him out of my life. I shifted in my seat as I sighed, Doctor, why must you be

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