Trapped inside the TV?

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Okay, so barging into the appartment wasn't such a great idea. Terrence had forced me to come here, so I was going to do it on my terms and no one elses. I had been through hell and back with the lies piled on my back about my own life, I think I deserved some answers. And those answers would start with Jessica. So, there I stood shocked by my own brave actions being watched by the sickly looking Jessica now standing beside the couch.

Dark circles framed her once beautiful eyes, which were like bottomless pits of sadness now. She repeated my name this time, a smile broke across her shock. Her feet moved before another word could be uttered. In seconds she was hugging me so tight I was pretty sure my lungs had popped under the pressure.

"Ember, thank god. I was so worried." Tears leaked from those eyes that took in every feature of my face. "Don't ever do anything like that again!"

I stood there limply as I finally asked, " you really care?"

She wiped her eyes, "What?"

"Do you really care if I leave again?" I stared at her coldly, "Your life is perfect, isn't it? Without me in it."

"Ember.....Why the hell would you even ask a question like that?!?! Of course I care about you! You're like a sister to me, my life is only perfect if you're in it. What happened to even make you think I don't care about you?"

Those sad blue eyes flickered across my vision and I continued the cold gaze, "I learned the truth." With that I, walked past her and toward the hall that lead to my room where I locked the door and sat numbly down on the bed. Everything was still the same, the old boring computer desk with my laptop still plugged in and charging. The pale blue walls suffocated me with boredom, not to mention the worn quilt I sat on that Jessica's grandmother made me before she had passed away. The green colors clashed with the blue and yet I never cared. Everything was the same. How could everything still be the same when I had changed so much. No, I hadn't changed I was broken beyond repair.

I should've stayed with the Doctor, he was the only one who cared truly for my well being. I slumped back on the bed as I heard the knock sound on my bedroom door. "Ember? Please, can we just talk? Ember?"

Pulling a pillow over my face, I knew Jessica would just be stubborn enough to keep knocking until I answered. Too bad I was in no mood to see her or anyone. They'd just lie to me like everyone else. All I want is to be of this huge lie my life had become a part of. Too bad the lie was growing with every minute and soon enough it would destroy the very life I had come to terms of calling okay.


One Year Later....

 The stars twinkled above in the dark blue sky as if they were guiding a lost soul home to some paradise millions of miles away. His elbow bumped mine on the arm rest, as his voice was filled with astonishment, "Can you believe it? You were up there, exploring those stars."

 I watched him as the lecture continued around us informing new visitors about the Planetarium rules, but I focused on Terrence. I had told him about the Doctor, and from the countless science fiction novels and movies he had enjoyed he believed me full heartily. Even though I had told him most of what I had learned about the Doctor and everything else, I made sure to leave out the parts concerning my parents and my so called mother. It had become our little secret, and it was staying that way especially  with Jessica getting married in a week to some rich boyfriend of hers. Since all those past experiences with all the Doctor were staying in the past, I had changed into a more mature, sophisticated teenage girl. The bad behavior had been sucked from my soul along with any lies that lay in the path of a perfect life.

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