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 Sadly, with the extra speed I overestimated the distance to the Tardis and couldn't slow my pace. Of course this resulted in me hitting the old worn wood full force, as I ripped the door almost off its hidges. Out of breathe and out of patience, I yelled with little energy, "Doctor!"

  "Ember?" His head poked out form below the rising platform. "What are you doing back here?"

 I clutched the stitch in my side, "She.....she wanted me locked up in some cellar. And.....and she's coming to get you too." 

  His eyes arched in suprise, "Oh is she now?" 

 "Yes." I nodded my head frantically, seeing as why he truly was a crazy man with the blue box."We have to leave! Like now!"

 His eyebrows furrowed quickly, as he mumbled slightly to himself after he disappeared below the tardis, "Keeping me prisoner, would give her all the answers. Or maybe...." I heard him smack himself as I went over to the edge of the tardis to look below. "How could I be so stupid? A thousand years old and I still haven't learned." 

 My hair hung limply in the air as he began digging through bins attached to the core of his beloved box. "Doctor...."

 "She's a difficult women ins't she? Your mother."

 I jumped down from the railing to have a fez flung my way along with a multied colored scarf. "She isn't my mother." My fingers clutched around the red velvet fez, letting my fingers idly play with the rim. 

 "Well, of course she is your mother." 

 "You told me my mother and father were dead." I began to feel something other then anger welling up inside me for a change. 

 He was still for a moment and then turned those sad pale blue eyes my way as he fumbled with his hands like always. "Ember..." He was trying to look anywhere, but my eyes. "Ember, this is all too much to explain right now." 

 I looked to the fez, "People always use to tell me that I was too young to understand. That I was only some fragile child like I couldn't know that my mother was some evil criminal or that my father had left me before I was born." I sighed, "You're just like them. That women was right, whether she was my mother or not, she was right. Doctor...." I turned my eyes up at him, "I want to go home. I want to see my friend and see New York again." 

  "Ember, it's too dangerous. Please...."

 The anger was back as I shook my head and snapped, "New York has always been dangerous. What ever the hell this Silence is, it can't keep me from my home anymore. I need to see my home Doctor, maybe you don't like seeing your home, but I do. I love New York and I love Jessica and Terrance and even my stupid school class mates. Doctor...... it's time to go home."

  I don't think I could've said anything more to show him how much I needed to be around the familiar New York City I thought I needed an escape from. But, now I realize that nothing would be better to just go back and pretend none of this ever happened.

  "Very well." He moved up the stairs slowly like the movements hurt. However, halfway up the stair he paused, "Ember...." I looked up at him, "That women, Riversong, she is your mother. She's a great women when she wants to be. Just because you couldn't see her when you were growing doesn't mean she wasn't there. The same goes for your father."

  I looked down at the fez to let his words sink in. And then the question struck me like a punch to the stomach, "My father he isn't dead....." Too bad the Doctor was no longer on the stairs to answer my question, but up at the controls making us move through time and space.

  Felling the atmosphere change, I quietly moved up the stairs fez still in hand for my fingers were too numb to release my grip on it. What if my father was still alive? Wouldn't that make him nothing better then my so called mother? Could she really be my real mother? Like I said, we did truly have no resemblence to one another like a mother and child should. Maybe I resembled my father more then my mother?

  "We're here." The Doctor snapped me from my thoughts, as he walked past me to the Tardis doors not even bothering to look at me.

 I moved to stand beside him as I shoved the door open wide. Sadly, the door must of connected with some poor soul on the other side making an awful clatter sound.

 "Holy crap! What the hell...." The voice was familiar believe it or not as I stepped out to be surrounded by trees with the familiar car horns and skyscrapers towering above the trees. It was Central Park smack dab in the middle of New York City.

 Looking to the familiar voice I saw a boy lying on the ground his hood flung lazily over his face with his beaten up old black mountain bike tossed over him when he hit the Tardis door. I knew that bike and that hoodie.


 His hood shot back instantly as he gazed up at me,"Ember?" He scrabbled to his feet leaving his bike on the ground. "How......? Where.....? Ember." He brought his arms around me in an embrace as he mubbled, "We have been so worried about you."

  "I've only been gone for a day, Terrence. " I pulled away from him, "It's not that big of a deal."

 He looked at me like I had grown a second head, "Ember....you've been gone for two weeks."

 I exchanged the same look he was giving me as I whirled around and saw the Doctor behind me, "I've been gone for two weeks? How the hell is that possible? It felt like only a day."

 The Doctor only looked at me with those sad eyes of his and Terrence spoke up behind me, "Ember, who is that?"

 "Doctor?" Ignoring Terrence's questions I only watched the Doctor as he sighed.

 "Ember, time is hard to explain. Now you've been back to New York, we must go."

 I shook my head and stepped back from him, "No, I want to stay here. I don't want to go with you again if you won't even give me answers."

   "Ember, it's too dangerous here."

  "Stop saying that! I can take care of myself. I'm not some pathetic girl people make me out to be!"

 The Doctor looked taken back, but then he nodded, "Fine." He looked over my shoulder at Terrence then back at me, "Good-bye Ember." Just like that he went back into his blue box and then the familiar whoosh sounded making it fade in out of exsitence. Finally, it was gone and thats when I felt the numbness start to set in.

 "Ember..." I whirled on my heels to see Terence staring at the spot where the Police Box once stood with wide eyes full shock, "Did that just....just disappear?"

 I nodded numbly, "Yeah it did."

 "And you don't think that's strange?!?"

 I closed my eyes and sigh only to feel the ache of where my heart was, "I've seen a lot worse." Folding my arms I began to walk in the direction of my small appartment where I know a lecture from Jessica would be waiting. 

"Wait Ember!!" Terrence appeared beside me walking his old bike, "Did that man kidnap you or something?"

 " No.......he saved me."

 "Who was he?"

 Something sparked inside me as I knew he wasn't just the Doctor to me or even just a friend but something else. Something I knew, but was burried among the lies and stories muddled inside my head. However, I settled on saying, "He's the Doctor." Seeing as there was nothing to add, Terrence remained mute and we walked the rest of the way to my house in silence. Too bad it didn't last, because as soon as I walked in the door, I was in for one hell of a lecture from the enraged Jessica.


I'd like to frist say I'm so very very sorry that my updates have been lacking on this story. I promise to finish this story before December and the NEW Doctor enter the world of Doctor Who. So, look for an update either Friday or Saturday from here on out. Now I'd like to say...THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!! The story hit 1,000 reads like Wednesday I think and it truly made my day!!! THank you all so much for reading and if you still are reading I love you all!!! Next chapter will hopefully be good because she's gonna be home for a little bit. Anyway, I hope you guys liked this chapter and if you did please vote!!! Thank YOU all SO much!!!!


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