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I pushed the tardis doors open and crossed my arms as I watched him. He was doing the usual, playing with the switches on the panels of his beloved time machine. The pain ate away as my chest contracted and I felt the full force of all I had just witnessed. My planet was dead, I was an alien, I was in a time machine. Somewhere deep down I felt the pain bloom into something so fierce I felt tears push themselves from my eyes.

Turning from the Doctor so he couldn't see my tears his words brought me to attention, "Crossed with me are you?"

I wiped furiously at my tears, but it was no use to keep them from welling up in my throat to choke my words, "Yes."

Footsteps sounded behind me and the Doctor's bow tie came into view, "I am sorry. I should've never agreed to take you there. It was too much for you to learn."

I let the tears make my eyes puffy as I looked up into his pale blue eyes. The stories he could tell from the years he lived, the events he witnessed, the planets he saved, the miles he traveled in his beloved box. My heart gradually felt like it was slowing down like I was done. "No, I told you to take me there. But, we can't be the last ones, can we? There has to be more then just us, right? Out there somewhere. The universe is huge! They could be in hiding or...."

He put his hands on my shoulders bringing instant comfort, "I'm sorry Ember but there is none of us out there. It's a miracle I found you. Before you I thought......I thought, I was the only one left."

The tears made my cheeks stiff as I mumbled, "You must of been lonely."

He nodded and stepped back from me, "Extremely."

"Is that why you found me? So I could travel with you? I couldn't possibly be the only one the Silence has ever hunted."

He shook his head, "I've had many companions over the many years I have traveled, but Ember you are special."

"Because I'm a 'time lord'?"

He looked at me like he was reading my thoughts and seeing my whole life. He leaned against the railing never taking his eyes away from mine, "No because I have never seen the Silence try for so many years and countless times to capture one creature whether you be time lord or not."

I stuttered, "Is that why I can't go home? I would be....would be endangering my friends?"

He nodded, "Of course you have endangered them many times they just never realized it because....."

My mind blossomed with the memories, "Because you were always there!!!!" I looked at him," I knew something was familiar about you! It was you who was always there. That day in the park when I got mugged by the man, I saw you run and get him giving Jessica my purse as you ran into the trees. I kept seeing you after that!"

I spun on my heels and pressed my palms to my temples, "How could I have forgotten you?!?" I looked at him, "You weren't just there when something bad happened, you were there always watching from a distance. When I went to school I saw you leaning against a tree with your blue box.....that was first grade." I paused, "Why did I forget you? You were like a guardian angel to why would I have forgotten you??"

"The Silence. They have corrupted your brain to imagine them as human beings and to remember them, usually with one glance away from the Silence your mind would forget them, but you..." He stepped closer so he was right in front of me, "You remember them as if it were yesterday. They had to have done something to your brain."

"But, you remember them too."

"Yes because I have learned that they are not a group but a religious order and to prevent their fall they must prevent people from getting close to the answer of the question that should never be asked."

I shook my head, "But I would never...."

"Of course you wouldn't because they have been inside your head. Wired it to be exactly as they want. But then I come along and stop them from their final step of capturing and killing you, that is why...."

His eyes were full of sadness but he gripped my shoulders with a grip that instantly made them bruise,"Tell me you remember what your mother name is?"

I looked at him,"What?" I stuttered,"What does she have to do with this?"

"Just tell me her name."

His sudden burst of anger made me panic as I looked at his face,"Her name, it's Melody."

His grip lessened and like that he was at the switch board and doing what he did best, switching switches and puling levers.

He muttered,"I knew I should've never left. She corrupted you, left you...."

I narrowed my eyes,"Doctor what are you talking about?"

He continued to ramble on,"Oh your mother. She's a tricky women isn't she. I should've know. Ugg how could I have been so stupid..."


I felt it, my heart beat slowing. So it wasn't just my imagination, I thought, it is actually slowing down.

"I knew I couldn't have trusted her. Oh she deserved to be in that jail cell..."

I clutched my heart,"Doctor....." He ran around the switches but I saw him glance at me before I was once again lying on the cool floor of the tardis. He was there as he looked down at my face,"Ember...what's wrong?"

" heart...." I felt the darkness swirl around me as he began to yell my name but it was too late,"Her name....her"

Where the name came from I didn't know. But I didn't care I was sure that it was the end. And it was....for the life I knew at least.


Okay guys sorry I haven't updated I've been really busy and have had awful writers block that's why this is so short. I hope to write a longer chapter next time but if you could vote and comment that would mean a lot.....thanks!!!


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