Chapter 15

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Ashley's POV
I was looking around for Tyler when I heard a big bang, I ran to where it came from. Tyler had just punched the wall pretty hard. "Tyler stop, you'll hurt yourself" I say to him. He drops to the floor and puts his head in his hands.

"Whats wrong Tyler?" I ask
"You know whats wrong, the script. You. Him" He raises his voice.
"Yeah I'm not happy about it but it's acting after all and Hanna and Caleb always find a way back to each other"
"You don't get it do you Ashley? I have to actually watch you kiss some other guy. How can Marlene expect me to do that?" He shouts
"Baby calm down, Marlene has a job to do and yes I'm pissed but if she added no drama then the show would be as successful ok? I don't want to kiss another man but I'm an actress and we have to do these things. I love you and you know that!" I say as i grab his hand.

I hated to see Tyler annoyed but this is our job at the end of the day and if it wasn't for Marlene in the first place we probably wouldn't even be together now.

We just hug for a while on the floor until Drew comes out. "Are you guys ok? I can guess what it's about, but i think they want you back in for the table read. I can tell them you went home if you want?" Drew says to us. I look at Tyler.
"Um no, we'll come in now" Tyler tells him.

We both stand up and follow Drew back into the room. "Ok?" I ask tyler. He just nods. We take our seats once again and continue looking through the scripts.
Later that night

Tyler's POV
Me and Ashley were currently sat watching some film, I wasn't interested at all but it made her happy and thats all I cared about. I start kissing her cheek and make my way down her neck, she starts to laugh. "You like that?" I asked her. She started to push me away and grabbed a pillow and hit me with it. "Oi" I shouted. She ran off upstairs laughing, "I'll get you back benzo!" I laughed. I grabbed her and carried her over my shoulder "put me down Ty" she squealed. "Not until you say sorry for hitting me with the pillow and tell me you love me" "never going to happen" she whispered in my ear as she started to kiss me. I tried to resist her but couldn't. I put her down and led on the bed.

She climbed on top of me and started kissing me. I kissed her back and began to take off her top. "I love you" I said in between each kiss. She took my top off and soon the rest of our clothes were on the floor.
4 weeks later

Ashley's POV
"I'm telling you I'm late ok?" I whispered down the phone to Shay. "And you can't remember if you used protection or not" she said. "Well i don't know when you're caught up in the moment you don't always think and i guess we didn't" I said back to her. "Right i'll be over in 10 with pregnancy tests ok? Just don't panic you may not even be pregnant" "ok" i said back to her. Although i was panicking, I was freaking out. I can't be pregnant, we didn't plan this. Tyler is going to hate me.

So should she be pregnant or not? Will it just be a false alarm? Comment what you think! Thank you all so much for reading it means a lot.

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