Chapter 22

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*4 months later*

Ashley's POV
I woke up with terrible pains, but I'm just ignoring them. I get up and go and make me and Tyler breakfast, "i'll make the breakfast" he says as i was leaving the room. "Are you su-" i couldn't finish my sentence, a sudden pain came, Tyler rushed up next to me and rubbed the bump "whats wrong?whats happening" he asks. "I think I'm going into labour" i scream.

We rush out to the car and Tyler grabs my hospital bag. He speeds to the hospital and they soon put me in a room. The pain was getting worse and worse, the nurse came in and said it was time to push soon. Tyler stood next to me and held me hand and pushed all my hair back off of my sweating forehead. "Ok ashley it's time, 1 2 3 push!" The nurse tried to say calmly.

I push for ages and ages, I'm crying and sweating so much, Tyler kept reassuring me. "One last push!" I push as hard as i can then i hear the cries of our little baby boy! They cleaned him up and bough him over to us. He was beautiful he had Tyler's nose and mouth and a bit of dark brown hair. "He's got your eyes" tyler smiled. We were both in tears.
A few hours later

Tyler had been sat on the bed with me all day and we had our little baby boy with us. "What's his name then? Ethan, Harley or Casey?" He asks smiling.

"Hmmm I think he looks like a..."

A/N comment what he should be called!

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