Chapter 16

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Shay's POV
I ran in the shop and grabbed three pregnancy tests for Ash, just as i left I heard a camera flash. Shit, the paparazzi. What if they saw me buying the tests, oh god they might think I'm the one that could be pregnant. At least they think it's me who's pregnant and not Ash because that will be online in minutes and Tyler might find out.

I arrive at Ashley's, i could see she had been crying. "Right do all three so we can be sure,ok?" I say to her. "What if i am pregnant, Tyler might leave me" "Well hurry up and find out and Tyler wouldn't leave you, he's not like that at all" I say trying to comfort her.

Ashley's POV
I've done all three tests and now I'm just waiting for them. I step out of the room and sit with Shay. "Ok it's gone 5 minutes" I say nervously. "Well look at then would you!" Shay says.

I look at them.

I instantly feel tears in my eyes. "It alright babe you will get through this" Shay says as she puts her arm round me. "Tyler is going to kill me" "no he isn't and it's takes two so it's not just your faults!" She says. We sat in silence, i just kept re-reading each pregnancy test hoping it was just going to change. The doorbell broke the silence, who could it be? I really hope it's not Tyler I'm not ready to see him yet. "I'll go" Shay says. I try to smile at her.

Drew's POV
Shay wasn't answering her phone so i guessed she was with Ashley. I rang Tyler to see if he was free but he was filming all day, I decided to go to their house and see if Shay was there.

I ring the doorbell and I was right, Shay was here. I hugged her and said "i've been bored without you" "aw well you're with me now" she says back. I hear Ashley ask "who is it?" I walk round the corner and see her sat there, she looked really upset. "it's just me, is this a bad time? I can leave you two to it?" Neither of them answered me. "Ashley are you ok?" I ask her. "No not at all" she says and she begins to break down even more. I don't know what to do, should I put my arm around her? I look up to shay for help. She just nods, that was enough, I put my arm around Ashley and give her a hug.

"Do you want to talk about whatever it is?" I ask her. "Um, i guess but you can't tell Tyler anything ok?" She says. "I promise not to say anything, but whatever it is you have to tell him eventually" "I know drew" she agrees. "So whats up then?" I ask. She pulls out three pregnancy tests and I see pregnant on each one. "So I'm guessing you didn't plan to get pregnant anytime soon" I didn't know what else to say. "Well Tyler would of told you if we were planning to have a baby, god this is a mess. We still have months of filming left and I'm going to have a bump" she cries. I didn't know what to say.

Shay's POV
I step in to help drew out "Ash we have plenty of time to sort that out with marlene plus you wont start showing for a while, the main thing we need to think about now is Tyler ok?" I say to her. "So you are definitely keeping it yes?" I double check with her. "Of course I am! If i didn't i'd be killing an innocent human" she says. "Well you need to tell Tyler then and pretty soon too! He deserves to know and you need to talk things through with him" Ashley just looks down and puts her head in her hands. "Shay is right, you really should tell Tyler like today" Drew says.

"I'm scared he is going to leave me because he's not ready" she cries. "Who's going to leave you?" A voice comes from the door. We all look up. Oh no. It's Tyler.

Ashley's POV
"Um, nothing babe" I say to him. Why was he back from work early? "Me and Drew should probably get going and leave you two to it" Shay says as they both get up and make there way to the door. I look up to Shay, I was scared to tell him. "You have to Ash" she mouthed to me so Tyler couldn't hear. We all said our goodbyes and now it was only me and Tyler left. Great.

Tyler's POV
"Baby whats up? You've been crying" I ask her. I didn't like to see her upset, I was worried why she said something about someone leaving her. I pull her into my chest. She begins to cry even more. "Ash, baby?" I say getting her attention. She just looks up to me. "You need to tell me whats up because I want to help you" I tell her.
"If i tell you, you promise not to get mad?" She says. I start to get a bit worried, why would I get mad. "I wont be mad, just hurry up and tell me. You're scaring me" I say. 

She walks over to the side and pulls out three pregnancy tests and shows me them. I read that each one says pregnant. "These are yours?" I say. "Yes" and she just looks down at the floor and begins to cry. How the fuck did this happen. I'm not ready at all. I just stand there staring at them in silence. "Well say something" Ashley cries. "What the fuck do you want me to say, i have no idea how to feel right now. I've um, got to go back to set" I just walk out of the house. I didn't need to go back to set, i was wrapped for the day. I was angry at myself how did I let this happen. I needed to be alone.

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