Chapter 21

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Ashley's POV
I woke up and remembered what happened last night, i must of fell asleep crying. I was still annoyed that Tyler even asked if anything happened between me and Ryan. I hated being in an argument with him but I'm not going to be the one to apologise.

There was a knock at the door, "what" I said. Tyler opened the door, he was holding a tray with a cup of coffee and some breakfast on. I couldn't help but smile. He places it on the bed and sits next to me "Ashley I've harley slept, I've thought about what I said and I'm an idiot and i don't know why i even asked that. I trust you and know you would never do that to me! I'm just so sorry baby" He looks really upset.

I put my hand on his and smile at him "you know I love you and only you!" I tell him. "I know and I love you too, can we forget about last night?" He asks. "As long as you promise to pick me up from somewhere if i need you!" I laugh. "Of course, I love you" he kisses my lips and then kisses my small bump "i love you too" he tells the bump. How could I ever stay mad at him? He's so freaking cute!

Tyler and I eat breakfast, once I'm finished I call shay to see if her brother is ok.

A- I was just calling, is your brother alright?
S- yeah it turned out not to be too serious, they just kept him in over night as a precaution. He's going back home today though, I'm sorry we had to leave you on your own.
A- I'm glad to hear he is ok! Send my love to him and your family. Don't worry about it but something happened.
S- what?
A- long story short, ryan gave me a lift home because no one was answering my calls and he offered me a lift, i had no other options. But someone took a picture of me getting in his car and Tyler saw it and when i got home he was mad but it's all good now
S- are you sure everythings ok now?
A- yeah, all sorted. We can't stay mad at each other for long. Anyway you need to take those pregnancy tests after we've wrapped!
S- eurghh yes
A- good, see you later
S- fine, bye

It's our last day filming season 6 today! Only us girls have scenes left to do, so we should be done pretty quick. I arrive on set and marlene greets us all, we quickly get our hair and make-up done and we start to film. We are soon wrapped for the day, everyone cheers and claps. I'll miss seeing all of these faces everyday; they are like family to me. I go and hug everyone goodbye. We take a group picture then leave.

Me and Shay walk out together, she starts to walk to her car, i grab her arm. "Shannon you are going to follow my car home and you are going to take those pregnancy tests!" She doesn't say anything but i know she'll follow me home.

We pull into the driveway and Shay goes straight to the bathroom to take the tests. "I'll wait here for you, and shay it doesn't matter whatever it says!".

I wait a few minutes and shay comes out with the tests in her hands. We sit down in silence for a few minutes "come on lets look" i say and grab her free hand. We look down at the tests


She starts to cry. "Babe it doesn't matter, we are all here for you! You were here when i had to go through this and look how it all worked out so the same will go for you!" I try to comfort her. She starts to cry even more "everyone is going to hate me!"

"Shannon mitchell you shut up right now, no one is going to hate you and we will sort this out so first you need to tell drew"
Shay POV
I leave Ashley and Tyler's house to go home and tell drew, I'm dreading it.

I walk through the door and luckily drew is home. He comes and hugs me and kisses my head "have you been crying?" He asks. I can feel the tears coming again, "you're going to hate me" "i will never hate you! Tell me whats up"

He sits down and pulls me on his lap "I'm pregnant" i can hardly get the words out. "Really?" He seems shocked. "Yeah, I'm sorry" "shay don't be sorry, I'm going to be here for you. I love you!" He kisses me. "You aren't mad?" I ask him. "Of course I'm not, I'm kind of excited" I'm so shocked at his reaction. "I love you drew and I'm so lucky to have you"
Tyler's POV
I'd been at auditions most of the day so haven't seen Ashley much, so i bought her favourite take out so we can have a cute night in. She's not downstairs so I'm guessing she's watching TV in bed. I walk in and she's led fast asleep, i get into bed and put my arm around her and start to kiss her and whisper her name. She wakes up and smiles "i bought some food home so come on sit up and eat!" I tell her. "How was your audition?" She asks me. "I think it went ok"

We eat our food and lay in bed watching a film. We take a selfie and i post it on instagram and caption it "cute nights in with Ash and the bump!"

I look over to Ashley she's already asleep, i look at her for a while. She's beautiful, i take a picture and post it on twitter "I'm a lucky man". I turn off the film and lay down and put my arm around ashley and fall to sleep.

A/N - hope you like this chapter, tyler and ashley are so cute! Skipping forward 4 months next chapter, so some of you can guess what may happen :)

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