Chapter 20

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Ashley's POV
Tyler and I are about to tweet announcing my pregnancy!

I tweeted:
"So Tyler and I have something to tell you guys!"
"Some of you have already guessed, I am pregnant! We are very excited and catch wait to see our little boy :)"

I smiled. I was so happy to finally tell everyone, I just hope we get no hate.

Tyler tweeted:
"It's true! @AshBenzo is pregnant, I'm so excited to be a dad and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with Ash and the baby!"

I go over to him and kiss him. "I can't wait to see him" he tells me.
I'm going for a meal with Shay and Drew, Tyler couldn't make it because he has to learn his lines for an audition.

Tyler drops me to Shay's and he goes straight back home. I walk into her house and Drew is sat there with his arm around her, i can hear her crying. "Oh my god shay whats wrong?" I ask her. She doesn't say anything. "Can i tell her babe" Drew asks her. I start to worry now.

"So Shay and I a while back got drunk and we didn't know what we were doing that night and now her period is late and she's been feeling sick every morning" Drew looks upset. "So you think she's pregnant? Shay have you taken a test yet?" I ask

"No I'm too scared, can we just go out for our meal and forget about it tonight and sort it tomorrow please?" She says looking up at me. "I'm just going to get our coats" Drew gets up and leaves. "Shay what ever happens, I am here to help like you were for me! Drew is here for you too and Tyler" I hug her.

We all get in the car to go to the restaurant. The whole journey we just sat in silence, I'd try to talk but Shay wasn't interested. We sit down at our table and order our food.

"Can i just have some water please?" I ask.
"I'll just have half a pint of beer please" Drew says. "Can i have a glass of wine?" Shay asks. I shoot my eyes towards her, "shay are you sure thats a good idea, you know what if you are-" I begin to say but she interrupts me and changes her order. "Oh um actually can i just have a glass of water too" she says.

Just as we are about to order dessert, Shay gets a phone call from her mum saying her brother had a car accident and she wanted Shay to go and visit him in hospital. Drew and Shay get up and leave, i tell them not to worry about me and i'll get the bill. I pay for the bill and leave the restaurant. I call Tyler for him to pick me up but he doesn't answer. I ring him a few more times, still no answer. Great I'm stranded here alone. I try calling lucy, keegan, my mum. No one answers. I literally have no idea what to do.

I start to walk along the road, a car slows down beside me. My heart begins to race, why do I have to be alone. I hear a voice coming from the car. "ashley what are you doing out so late on your own, did Tyler abandon you?" I recognise the voice. I turn and look in the car. It was Ryan. Great. "No he did not abandon me, I was out with Shay and Drew and they had to go" I don't even know why I'm explaining myself to him.

"Well do you want me to give you a lift back to yours? After all i did see your tweet and i can't let you walk all that way pregnant!" He was already annoying me. I had no choice though, Tyler wasn't picking up and i don't fancy sitting around outside in the cold waiting for him. "Um yeah if you can please, but don't annoy me, don't talk shit about Tyler and don't tell anyone I am with you!" I tell him. He just nods.

I get into the car. He starts to drive. "I'm guessing you live with Tyler so you are going to have to direct me" he laughs. "K" I wanted to be as blunt as possible. "So i um have a new girlfriend" he says. I'm so glad he said that, now i don't have to worry about him trying anything on with me. "Good for you" i tell her. "Good luck to you both" i say trying to be nice.

He pulls up outside of Tyler's "thank you so much" i tell him. I was actually really happy he just drove me home and didn't annoy me. I unlock the front door and Tyler is stood there waiting for me. "Why the fuck were you with Ryan?" He shouts. How did he know? As if he read my mind her pulled out his phone and showed me a picture someone had tweeted of me getting in his car. "He gave me a lift home" i tell him. "I can't believe you! You actually got in a car with your ex" "well maybe if you answered your god damn phone i wouldn't of had to, but no you didn't. I could of been stuck there all night! You didnt answer my calls yet you've been on twitter because you wouldn't of seen that otherwise!" I shout at him.

"Well i was going to call you back until I saw that! So what happened? Did you kiss him, did you do anything?" He asks angrily.
"wow i actually can't believe you are asking me that, I'm not even going to answer because you know full well i wouldn't do that to you!" I feel tears streaming down my face.

I storm upstairs and shout "you can sleep on the sofa!"

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