Red,White and Blue

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Hey, thought I'd publish this story a little earlier. In a hurry to finish this story so I can move on to the good stuff pluuuus the Bucky story. ^^. Thanks for everyone who reviewed.

Deathbbeauty: yay a new reader ^^ you are new right? :) thank you so much my dear. I hope you like this one :D.

Jo: Aw thanks, well I'll try not to let you guys wait too long ;).

kaayrakoi: CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. Lol jk...but seriously.

kristybauer7: GIrrrrrl you tried Cinnamon rolls with coffee? Tsk tsk. That's too many tastes man. A cinnamon roll is perfect on its own. Like Anthony Mackie.

Let me know what you guys think of the Widow ;)




Steve and Olivia went to the hardware store on Sunday.

They had spent most of Saturday exploring Washington together.

They had managed to pin down the location of the Monarch's store that Fury had recommended. It had an abundance of materials just for the purpose of home making. Olivia was thoroughly impressed by the collection. In fact, Steve had lost her in the store at one point. It was even more tedious to convince her to leave the store, he had to practically drag her out.

They had bought the necessary equipment to paint a wall. A large bucket, roller handles, paint, brushes and tape. Steve had picked a light, grayish blue for the living room. He decided that he only wanted to paint the living room for the moment, he didn't want to push his luck with Fury.

Once they got back home they changed into clothes that they weren't afraid of ruining. Steve gave her a plain grey t-shirt from his collection, one that he wasn't so attached to. But the moment she wore it, he felt a strange affection at the sight of her in his clothing. She paired his t-shirt with one of her plaid shorts.

He decided to ask her about her love of plaid later.

Steve felt more comfortable in his loose, navy blue pants and white top. He was quite eager to start painting.

They picked the wall in the cozy corner where his single leather seat was. Steve did most of the heavy lifting and dragged the furniture away from the surrounding walls and towards the center of the room. Olivia neatly arranged the newspapers across the wooden floors, along the edge of the wall and then began to mix the paint.

The Captain was in the process of taping up the edges of the door frames so they didn't accidentally taint the wood. That was when he noticed the big smile that stretched across her face as she poured the paint into the roller tray.

"Are you shaking?" He observed in concern, seeing her trembling fingers

"I am so excited." She uttered in a hushed excitement "I haven't painted a wall since the one in my room."

Steve chuckled, delighted by her enthusiasm

"Yeah I've noticed that, it's nice."

"You wanna do something like that or just keep it simple?" She asked looking at him from her kneeling position on the floor.

Steve glanced at the blank wall, then down to the matte paint and then nodded confidently.

"I'm a simple guy so I think just plain is fine." He answered.

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