December 14th

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I do not know who did the art above, but bless you and God Bless America.

minchen0897: Thank you so much, well hopefully this chapter will lift your spirits ;).

dancindonna: All of them? You've read my teenwolf stories too? xD. Thank you so much.

Marie: No problem ;).

heroheondaletotherescue: Haha thanks, what did you think of Travis? :).

Supesfan18: Lol I love them too, thanks again :).

debatable-cerealkiller: Oh holland?! Interesting, what is it like there? Is it cold right now? I heard its a beautiful place :D. Lol thanks again, maybe their cuteness might drop a little to sexiness if you know what I mean ;).

Jo: Lol yes puppy steve is uber adorable. That was a last minute addition i'll admit, I thought it would be cute, glad I decided to do that ^^. Omg STARWARS I honestly cannot wait.

deathb4beauty: Aw :') thank you so much, that was just what I wanted to hear, you are too fucking sweet! I hope you like this chapter :D.

PLEASE READ: Hey guys, please do me a solid and give me a very detailed review of this chapter. Honestly this is one of my favourite chapters for one of many reasons (sexsexsexsexsextendernesshumorsexsexsex) I was really eager to share this chapter and I am dying to know what you guys thins, so please please please. Thank you!




December 14 2013 was a important date for Steve Rogers. Well he wasn't expecting it to be an important date, but he knew it was their twentieth date and every single one of them had been amazing.

It was a freezing that Saturday night. The air was arctic when the date had begun and got even colder by the time they left the restaurant. Steve had to help Olivia into her thick, black, cotton coat, which was a shame because he loved the way she looked in the red dress she wore that night.

Her dress was a popping, candy apple red with little prints of white wild flowers. The neckline of the dress was the gathered ends from the shoulder down her chest and fell down her breast bone in a draping V neck. The sleeves were short and the skirts of the dressed reached just above her knees.

She blended well with the Christmas decorations that hung at every street corner and shop.

Steve noticed how her classy yet sensual appearance had grabbed a few curious gazes with in the restaurant, mainly the single men that sat at the bar.

Steve never considered himself to be a guy that acted on his jealous, but it didn't hurt to keep her close that night.

They took their usual walk down Central Park after dinner, that's when Steve spotted the carriage rides and couldn't but be a little excited by them. Olivia rolled her eyes and muttered tourist under her breath like ever the annoyed New Yorker. But Steve had managed to coax her into the carriage with his large pleading blue eyes and pouting lips.

He felt a little powerful knowing that his puppy eyed looks easily melted her into submission.

They took the carriage ride all the way to her apartment. Steve had thoroughly enjoyed the views of Central Park and listening to the gentle gallops of the horse that took them. Olivia was pointing to various places they passed, sharing stories of funny moments that occurred, most of them starred Charlie and Claire. Steve was equally motivated to tell her tales about Bucky and him and their short adventures.

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