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CatSamWays: Yay knew reader ^^ Aw thanks, I hope you like this chapter too :D.

Amalieaunstrup: Me too, I hope that maybe one day Jeremy Renner will see this and chose to wear a diaper in my honor. If Broken didn't make you cry, then this might :/... ^^"

Allison: Aw thanks ^^ Well all I can say is you are going to love this chapter ;). No babe, you are fantastic.

Jo: LOL Tony & CO. That should be a thing, like a band or something. Aw thank you so much, you are brilliant for the & Co comment, that is priceless xD. I hope you like this chapter ;).

Kristybauer7: Man, I feared I made you have a mental break down or something, you sounded really stressed on that last comment. I am sorry ( but not really sorry muwahahahaha) By bake do you mean Mary Jane? (LOL JK...) I did used to, a lot during college but too busy to do that now so I like it when my characters bake :D. What about you? BTW this chapter might make you want to hug Olivia. A LOT . juss saying.

Deathb4beauty: Sorrrrryyy :(

debatable-cerealkiller: First of all, why would you kill cereals? Second of all, OMG New reader yaaaay. My Stiles story got you here? Neat! ^^ I am particularly fond of that one. I hope you like this chapter :D.

Thanks for all the reviews guys! I am both apologetic and victorious over the chapter. Sorry and Muwahahahahaha.



Steve was invited to out to have a drink with Kevin and Natasha. It was a long mission, they felt like they needed a drink. Steve was up for it, any excuse not to sit at home alone.

Thinking about her and how they haven't talked in a week.

Not even a phone call.

He didn't blame her. Steve understood in a way that she was allowing him some space, but he wondered who needed the time apart more. He missed her, a lot. But every time he picked up the phone to call he couldn't bring himself to.

He hated that he was acting like such a coward. It wasn't like she rejected him bluntly. He honestly didn't know what to categorize the incident as. He continued to ponder the meaning of it all. He was back to being unsure of how she really felt about him.

He dwelled on his turmoil emotions and endless questions as he sat at the bar. Natasha had headed off in search of the ladies room, leaving Kevin and him behind.

The joint was relatively packed. Most were people from their own building, enjoying a few drinks with friends at Happy Hour. The booths were taken over by white collars, shunning Steve and his friends to the bar counter. He didn't mind, he preferred the solitary and didn't think of himself as much company that night.

"Hey Cap what's up?" Kevin appeared, patting him heartily on the back to gain his attention.

Steve had been staring idly at his glass of whiskey, watching the amber colours in vague interest. He glanced at his friend and smiled before leaning back on his stool.

"Nothing Kevin, just thinking." He confessed, but his hapless smile was far from convincing.

"I haven't seen you this blue since you wore your stealth suit." Kevin commented light heartedly and took a seat on the free stool by the Captain. He then crossed his arms over the wooden surface and leaned onto his elbows.

"Guess Olivia left huh?" He assumed while observing Steve's somber expression.

"Yeah... she did." He said and then took a sip of his drink. The ocher liquid burned down his throat but he hardly felt the sharp kick. His apartment still smelt like cinnamon rolls. He would stare at the blue wall sometimes, lost in its Copen shade. The pillows, even after he had washed the covers, they still carried a faint scent of lavender. His insides clenched in longing in remembrance of the soft toy Alfie, he had taken the elephant off the couch and into his bedroom.

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