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KristyBauer: xD I want Steve and Natasha to hook up too . Dont tell Olivia. Thanks for all the comments :D I am glad you enjoyed Natasha so much ^^ writing her was fun!

Awesomesaurus: Heheheh...It will be soon I promise. BUT DONT BE DETERRED BY THIS CHAPTER!

Amalieaunstrup: And you are only telling me this now?! Why did I not get pages and pages and emails of you gushing about Matt Murdock and his fine behind? (and other things of course) ? HM? ?ANSWERS WOMAN!

Deathb4beauty: Aww you are too sweet, please tell more people by all means xD. Thanks for giving my story a chance and I am happy you are enjoying it ^^.

Jo: . They might they might not...Thanks for constantly reviewing you are too sweet.

Uchiha-Arandel: I dont know if you reached this chapter yet but thank you! :D

Allison: Yesh that is what I am dooooing :3 thanks!

SO just a quick note guys. I said they will be getting together (obviously considering is a stevexoc fanfic) BUT they do have issues to work out (Olivia mainly) with that said. On with the story! :D (please dont hate me)

PS there is a Tropic Thunder reference in here, fifty points for the one that points it out (I am looking at you my little danish hobbit)




Steve tapped his foot impatiently within the Triskelion elevator. The lift seemed to be travelling remarkably slow, but then again he was in a rush.

The AI announced the floor and Steve dashed out of the steel confinement. He hurried down the long, carpeted hallways. He passed several agents who stepped aside instinctively as he barreled through. He finally reached the destined door and barged in.

"I'm here, what's the emergency." He demanded, his blue eyes scanning the room.

Seated around the long, meeting table were the Avengers. With the absence of Thor, the rest were present. Natasha was lounging at the head chair with her legs stretched over the edge of the table with her ankles crossed. Tony was dressed in a dark blue suit and purple tie. He was pacing the length of the projector screen when Steve had stomped in.

"It's pretty bad." Tony announced gravely. The captain's body went rigid in panic. The summoning text was the usual Avengers Assemble but for Tony to be this serious, it must be something terrible.

"What is it?" Steve demanded, immediately shutting the door behind him.

"It's been seventy five years Cap. I think it's time." Stark stated, his voice low and severe.

"Time to what?" Steve asked, the tension in his mind and body rising by the second.

"Time that you asked a girl out!"

A sudden celebratory, melodic tune began to play from an unidentified location. The blank screen behind Stark, blared to life and a kaleidoscope of colours appeared upon it. In front of the array of colours, it was written in bold white text were the words.

Operation Cupid.

The text danced about with hearts floating down from top of the screen.

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