Chapter 1

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Skylar's P.O.V

"Come on mom! Can Natalie please sleepover? I asked, wait, more like begged for the 50th time.

Let me introduce myslelf. My name is Skylar Moore, but eveyone calls me Sky. Im 14 years old and my birthday is June 3rd. Im a tomboy, love riding my skateboard and absolutely despise shopping. I love music more than anything. I have a guitar that I play sometimes. I don't have a lot of friends just one, and that's Natalie. Anyways, my birthday just passed and Natalie and I really want a sleepover, so here I am begging my mom.

"You sure that you'll wake up on time for school?" she asked.

"Yes we're sure!" I replied. Mom sighed.

"Okay fine, but Tyler isn't going to school tomorrow so he's at his friends house and Jacob is going with his friend so nobody will be home. You two better not be late tomorrow." I smiled as she said that. Tyler and Jacob are my two older brothers. Tyler is 21 and Jacob is 17. Old right?

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" We yelled. As my mom went upstairs I looked over at Natalie.

"Movie night." We said in sync. Natalie went into the kitchen and started making popcorn while I started up Netflix to pick a movie. I start looking at the horror section and find the perfect movie. I select the movie and wait for Natalie to come over to the couch.

"What movie are we watching?" She asks. I give her a devilish smirk knowing that she hate's horror movies.

"Stay Alive."


After The Movie

"That was amazing." I say.

"That was flipping scary." I laugh at the scared look on Natalie's face. We quickly clean up the popcorn, turn off the TV and go upstairs.

I look over at Natalie and looked at her seriously. " I swear if you wake me up before 8:30 you will regret it." I warned. She widened her eyes nodded her head and got into her sleeping bag. In case you haven't already noticed I love to sleep and I'm not a morning person.

Next Morning

Natalie's P.O.V

I woke up the sound of the doorbell ringing. I check the time and its 6:00am. Who the hell would come here this early? I go downstairs and answer the door knowing that if I wake up Sky she might just kill me. I answer the door and see a guy with a grey hoodie and some Ray Bans.

"Um does Skylar Moore live here?" He asked. I like his accent, pretty sure its British.

"Yea just give me a minute. You can wait inside if you want?"

"Thanks." He replied. Okay now all I got to do is wake up Skylar. This won't be fun.

Skylar's P.O.V

"That's what makes you beautiful!" Harry finished singing the last line. I applauded with a big smile on my face. Meet and greet with One Direction, definitely the best thing ever. I was about to get a group hug when I started hearing a voice.

"Skylar! Wake up!"

I open my eyes and realize its a dream. Wait, what time is it? I look at the clock and see 6:10am. I widen my eyes and look at Natalie.

"I.Will.Kill.You." I said, clearly pissed off. "You have 5 seconds to run."

"There's someone downstairs for you!" Natalie said. Why the hell is someone here at 6:00am!?


"Ugh I'm going to kill whoever it is." I growl. I made my way downstairs and saw a guy in a grey hoodie and Rays Bans. Is it just me or, does this guy look like a criminal or something?

"Yes?" I say as I raise my eyebrows.

"Skylar? Is that you?" He asks. Ok how the hell does this guy know me?

"Uh, how the hell do you know who I am and Natalie why the hell did you let in a guy that looks like some criminal?!" Suddenly the guy gets up and gives me a hug I flinch hoping he'll let go of me. I do NOT like being touched. Ever.

" you mind letting go of me?" I ask silently praying he'll listen. He takes off his Ray Bans and I see his face. One word.


I did not expect that.

"Skylar, I'm your brother." He says.

Oh My God! This is epic! I can' believe- WAIT WHAT?


A/N hey! chapter 1 is up! what do you think? who do you think it was? just so you know this will NOT be a cliché fanfic, ive read to many of those...also there wont be mirrors carrots etc. don't forget to comment vote fan and tell people! Bye!!!

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