Chapter 7

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Skylar's P.O.V

"Wake up!" I hear someone yell.

"She's not going to wake up like this. I'll be right back." I hear someone else say. Finally, their gone. Back to happiness. Seconds later I'm wide awake and covered in freezing cold water.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I yell falling out of bed. I look up and see Zayn with and empty bucket of water and Waliyha snickering.

"You have school. Waliyha tried to wake you up but you wouldn't wake up." Zayn said. He left the room with a big smile on his face. I look over at Waliyha.

"You want to help me get revenge?" I ask. She laughs.

"Sure. Zayn has done that to me a lot too." She smiles and leaves the room. I get out of bed and make my way into the bathroom. I take a quick shower and throw on a Big Band Theory T-shirt and some light blue jeans. I apply a layer of Mascara and hear Doniya.

"Sky! Breakfast is ready!" She yelled.

"Coming!" I reply back. I quickly put my hair into a ponytail and make my way downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and see chocolate chip pancakes on the table. I take a seat beside Safaa and grab two pancakes. After I'm done eating one of them a finger taps my nose and now there's maple syrup on it. I look over at Safaa and see her laughing. I dip my finger into my syrup and dap in on Safaa's nose. We both start laughing. I finish the last of my pancakes and put my dishes in the sink.

"We're leaving in five minutes okay?" Zayn says.

"Okay." Waliyha and I reply.

"Oh Sky wait!" Zayn says.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"This is for you. Kind of a, welcome gift." He hands me a white iPhone 4.

"Wow! Thanks Zayn. You really didn't have to get me anything though."

"Well I wanted to. All of our numbers are already in their, now hurry up."

I put the phone in my pocket and run upstairs. I take the syrup off my nose and grab my bag. I quickly go downstairs and meet Waliyha with Zayn. We get into Zayn's car and start making our way to school.

Skip To School

"Bye Sky! Bye Wal!" Zayn said.

"Bye!" We both replied.

"By the way Sky don't get into any trouble and good luck!" He said.

"Thanks and I won't!" I hope I say to myself. I make my way inside the school to the office. I go inside and see the secretary typing something.

"Um excuse me?" I say barely above a whisper.

"Oh I didn't see you there!" She says is a preppy voice.

"Um, yeah. I'm new so I need my schedule and stuff."

"Okay, what's your name?" She asks. I'm about to say Skylar Moore, but I stop myself. Am I still a Moore or is it Malik now? Just in case I say my full name.

"Skylar Malik Moore" She starts typing on her computer and says,

"There's no Skylar Malik Moore here." I silently chuckle to myself.

"Skylar Moore Malik" I say. She starts typing once again.

"Ah! Here we go! Skylar Moore Malik." She opens a drawer and hands me a schedule. locker number and combination and a map of the school.

"Thanks." I say as I leave the office. I find my locker number which is, 213. I dial in the combination and put some of my stuff away. I check my schedule and see that I have Biology first. I start roaming around the school trying to find the class when I bump into somebody. Both of our things fall.

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