Chapter 22

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Skylar's POV

Cold. Cold. Cold. I AM SO COLD. In case you haven't already realized, I am freezing cold right now. It's New Years Eve and mum decided to make me take out the trash. I was in my pj's and didn't think it was that cold outside, so I just went in what I was wearing. Yeah, big mistake. I ran inside and slammed the door shut, shaking the access snow out of my hair.

"You do know that, you could have told me its like, 50 below zero out there?" Mum and Perrie laugh. Oh yeah, Perrie and her family are with us for New Years. Her family is really nice and it's been so much fun having her here. I run up the stairs and go into my room. Opening my closet I throw on a red jumper and black sweat pants. I go back downstairs and turn on the TV. I surf a few channels and find Supernatural on. I smile and turn up the volume. After watching a few minutes of it I realize the episode is All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1. At the moment, Sam and Jake are fighting trying to kill each other.

"Hey, what are you watching?" Perrie asks.

"Supernatural." I reply, not taking my eyes off the screen. She takes a seat beside me.


I carefully watch as Sam knocks out Jake. Deciding not to kill him, he turns around, grabbing his shoulder walking the other way. Dean starts to call Sam's name with Bobby near behind him. Tears start brimming in my eyes, knowing what's going to happen next. Jake wakes up, grabs the knife and starts running behind him. He stabs the knife into Sam's spinal cord. He falls to the ground slowly losing consciousness. More tears come out of my eyes. Dean runs towards Sam, holding onto his little brother, trying to keep him alive. He shakes him trying to see if he responds, but he doesn't. Sam's dead.


I wipe away my tears and look over at Perrie, who also has tears on her cheeks.

"Thank was so sad! Why did he kill him?" She asked.

"Watch the show." I reply. I turn off the TV and start laughing.

"Sky, do you want anything to eat?" Perrie's mum asked.

"No thanks." I reply. Suddenly the door bell rings. I open the front door and see Mechaela standing in front of me smiling.

"Hi!" She exclaimed.

"Oh my god, what are you doing here?" I asked, pulling her inside.

"My parents pissed me off, so I booked a flight and came out here." My eyes widen.

"Are you crazy?"

"Little bit." She smiles. I put her jacket in to closet. I go into the kitchen and tell her that Mechaela is going to be staying here for a while. Thankfully she was okay with it. I turn around and see Mechaela fangirling in front of Perrie.

"Um...." I say confused.

"You never told me that Perrie was staying at your house!" She exclaimed. I laughed.

"I didn't even know that you, were going to be here!" I tell her. Perrie takes a picture with her then goes upstairs. I grab a bottle of water and go to my room with Mechaela. As we enter my room, her eyes go over to my guitar.

"You got a new guitar?" She asked.

"Yeah, I got it for Christmas." I tell her. She picks it up and starts strumming a few chords.

"You need to teach me sometime." I laugh.

"Or you could ask Niall?" She shakes her head.

"He's to busy." She sets down my guitar and takes a seat beside me.

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