10. History revealing secrets

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Written 2015 by VeGirl © 

I'm not the owner of the picture, but wouldn't Brock O'hurn be the perfect Taightleach?

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There stood a lovely cup of tea on the coffee-table before me and I had no idea how it ended up there until Ty sat down on the sofa next to me. "How are you holding up?" He twirled his hair around into a knot at the nape of his neck again; the same absentminded way I had seen him do several times now.

I looked surprised at him as if I wasn't aware that he was still there. His concerned expression was all that needed for the dam to break and tears started to flow again. "What am I going to do?"

He looked sympathetic at me and those intense eyes held so much concern and so many questions. Somehow it felt like I could drown in the depth of them and he became slightly blurry through my watering eyes. He put his arm around me again. "We'll figure it out."

The close proximity to him sent both serenity and fluttering excitement through me, something that was contradictive to my mental state of mind. Eventually the scent of his tea woke my curiosity and that broke off the tears that had trickled freely until then. I lifted the cup to my lips and smelled it. "What is this?"

He seemed slightly startled. "Oh, it's just some herbal tea..."

"It smells divine." I tasted it and nearly moaned out loud. Never had I tasted tea like this and hungrily I drank. "What is it?" My mood was instantly lifted.

"Oh, I found some Vervain in your back yard; that's the strong lemon taste, and some other herbs." He didn't go closer into the specific herbs, especially not the ones in his pouch that didn't grow anywhere close to this realm. Surprise had momentarily stunned him as he opened the pantry and found all the jars of tea there.

I looked surprised. "A bloke who knows about herbs. Who are you?"

"Haven't you figured it out yet?" His eyes narrowed as he chortled and then slowly shook his head; anything to distract her from the actual truth. "I'm a God," he said smug.

I simply raised my brows and tasted the tea before I looked around. "I love this old house." I smiled content without noticing my mood-swings. "It used to belong to my nanna, and I didn't know my parents had kept it for me until they died." With total relaxation I told him the story of how I often went here when I needed some time off.

* * *

Even if Ty had used these particular calming herbs before, he was astounded how calm and content she seemed now. The grief was lifted from her shoulders if only momentarily and he was glad to have been able to assist in her time of need. What would happen to her when the herbs started to wear off and she had to deal with life again?

"Do you want to see it?"

Ty snapped out of his reverie. "Ehrm... see what?"

"Nanna's herb garden; didn't you listen?"

He had to admit that his thoughts had distracted him from listening and now his interest peaked. He took a deep breath and smiled. "I'd love to."

Francine was fast on her feet and offered him her hand. "Come on, we're just going to the garden." Mirth glistened in her eyes.

Ty was momentarily stunned. That smile of hers changed her appearance drastically, reminding him why he had interfered in the first place. Those twinkling blue eyes reminded him of a girl he had known in his youth. Reluctantly he accepted the proffered hand and noticed the current flowing between them.

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