44. Directions

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Written 2016 by VeGirl ©

Through the meadow where I was standing, looking around, a pathway led. It felt like the flip of a coin if I would make the right or wrong decision. Where should I begin, I wondered? 'Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop'. The line from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland drifted through my mind, and I smiled. I closed my eyes, hoping to get some kind of divine indication and then just turned right. I promised myself not to call Eirian for help. With a deep inhale, and an "Oh well..." I started to walk down the path.

What a stroke of luck that I managed to pack just one bags to take with me; I could have asked for every item I had been given and they would only be in my way, I thought. "It is much easier with no great luggage."

Along the way, blue flowers waved in the slight breeze. I had to stop and observe them closer to see if I recognized them, but the second I leaned over the flowers, they fluttered away. With a gasp I jerked backwards and then cracked up in a boisterous laughter. "Why not?" I laughed and shook my head while a cloud of tiny sky blue butterflies hovered around me.

My lightened mood stayed with me as I resumed my walk, and a quick backwards glance told me that those butterflies had landed safely in the greenery again. My smile broadened and my eyes found new fascinating things along my way.

I was relieved to not find any trace of ominous trees clumped together, like the dark forest. These were singularly placed, with enough room for them to stretch their branches if they wished to. The trees kept a respectful distance to the path as well, allowing sun to light my way.

The coloring was much more like the trees I had grown up with and held no iridescent purple that had surprised me in my first account with Andlang.

My thoughts returned to Alice and her trip in Wonderland. I had certainly fallen head first into the unknown, and now I barely knew what was up and down.

"Would you please move, Madame." A tiny voice made me startled look around to find an equally sized man on the path in front of me. I instantly squatted down to observe it further. The man, who was approximately the size of my lower arm, sighed heavy and seemed to roll his eyes at me. "I need to pass, if you please," he exclaimed indignantly.

"Good day, my good sir," I said, fascinated and glad for the company.

"Good day Madame." He bowed, but remained his stiff posture. "I am in a bit of hurry, so if you don't mind, I would like to resume my pace."

"Yes sir, but I am in dire need of direction."

The man who would not reach my kneecap if I stood up looked alarmed up at me. "Are you in trouble Madame?"

I smiled reassuringly at him. "No more than the lack of direction. Could you please tell me where I am sir?"

He pressed his brows tight together. "Why, you are here on the path before me, and will soon be behind me. Good day Madame." He bowed slightly and started to make his way around me, through the high grass on the side of the path.

With my own brows amusedly raised I made a new attempt. "Thank you sir, could you please tell me where I could find some town, or perhaps some accommodation where I could spend the night?"

He stopped, sighed exaggeratedly and slowly turned around. I halfway expected him to snarl that he was not wearing a sign that said information, and hurried to explain. "You are the first friendly soul I've met here and am so grateful."

At this, the man seemed surprised and at least marginally friendlier. "Yes... well... we are a very friendly people." He emphasized the absolute superlative, even though his face displayed the opposite. "We are just..."

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