Chapter 16

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Matthias gripped my hand as we exited the aircraft, guns pressed into our backs.

"Isn't it funny when they pretend to be our best friend on camera, but behind the scenes they point guns to our backs?"

I nodded and squeezed his hand. It felt warm and safe. I wanted to hold on to it forever. We were led through the main gates and through the market square where people came to collect their small share of Dawn's food production. Their eyes widened when they saw me, but the scurried away, eyes cast down. 

"Why are they looking at you that way," Matthias whispered.

I just shook my head and turned away from him, letting our fingers slide apart. I thought I could run away from this place, but the past will always catch up to you, no matter how far you run.

Finally we reached the palace doors. They were cast of iron, with gold frames and knobs, shined and polished to perfection. Atop each tower of the palace was a flag of the hammer and sickle, symbolizing that this was now Russian territory.

The guards and officers threw open the doors and stormed triumphantly in. A wave of memories flooded my brain, Emma and I racing down the spiral staircases, learning to dance on this floor, sneaking out those very doors, ready to run...

I tried to block them out and focus on the present, but even the smell of the burning candles was overwhelming.

We passed a silver column, and I stopped to look at my blurred reflection, just like I had done so many times before.

Then suddenly, he was there.

"The Czar of New Russia's capital, Kazimir Yakovlev!"


Matthias covered his ears from the shouting, but I took a step closer, causing the Czar to take a closer look at me. His eyes widened and he stood before me.



The Czar shushed them. He stared death into my eyes.

"Bow before me rebenok."

Now was the moment. Time stood still and I made an instant decision.

"I will never bow before you, Father."

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