Chapter 2

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As little as I said that first night, they might have thought I was as quiet as Serene, who, according to Matthias, hadn't said a word since they found her. But, eventually Ace introduced me to everyone. There was Matthias the boy who found me, Serene, the brothers Pierce and Damon, and Fin who was sick, and only twelve years old. I was nearly seventeen, and judging by the looks of the other five, they were about the same.

Ace definitely had the face of a leader. He was strong and tall with broad shoulders, thick black hair, and piercing dark eyes. He never wavered when he spoke, and every step, he took with confidence.

Matthias was almost as tall as Ace with calm blue eyes than seemed to reflect me thousands of times. He was also confident and strong, but he was honest.

Pierce and Damon were always together, and they were always by the fire. I was pretty sure Pierce was the older one, but I couldn't tell for certain. They were both blonde with brown eyes, and they both were good with an arrow. The only major difference was that Pierce was outgoing and adventurous, while Damon was mellow and cautious.

I don't have much to say about Serene and Fin. They both stayed together in corner of the Cave, silent. Serene had wispy blondish white hair that was always in her face, and sunken blue eyes. She seemed almost washed out after so long.

"We have to strike now," said Matthias. "Seven people have now breached their wall and escaped. Seven people! They're in hysterics!"

I was eavesdropping on a conversation between Ace and Matthias outside of the Cave.


"Ace, I've been stuck inside this cave with you for two years waiting. Nothing's happened. How long is long enough for you. Two years!"

"No! They have missiles and bombs the size of cars in the city's warehouse. I've seen them. I was there. That's what got me here to begin with. The officers found me and tried to give me those pills. But I resisted. I ran.

"They're saving those bombs and missiles in case anything like a rebellion should happen. We need numbers. We need weapons. And we need lots of good luck."

Now was my chance to step in. "Back in my neighborhood, we always played games of luck. I won every time."

Both of them turned and smiled at me. "That's the first thing you've said all day," Matthias said, walking towards me. "But now you need to sleep. Tomorrow, we test you."

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