Chapter 6

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The first thing I heard was the scream.

I was up and to my feet, rushing towards the source, Serene curled in a ball next to a body. The whole Cave was in turmoil, and I could barely hear my own scream. It was Damon, or at least what used to be Damon. All that was left was a lovely fearless body.

"They found us," I whispered. "How did they find us?"

"It was her!"

I turned to see Pierce behind me, his eyes murderous. "I didn't-" I began, but then he was coming at me, hands raised, arms flailing. I. Screamed and dogged his first hit, but his second his found its mark. He tackled me, pinning me to the ground.

"Where is it," he shouted. "Where is it!" He tore off my clothes and shook them out. "They're tracking us somehow! It's in you, isn't it! Then we cut it out."

He had a knife in hand and was charging, but Ace got there first, bringing Pierce to the ground, and pulling me too my feet. Matthias grabbed Puerce, who was still flailing and shouting like a madman, saying I killed his brother.

"Have you gotten any injections in the past month? Shots?" Ace asked.

"I got a shot in my left arm," I said, pointing to it, but afraid of what he was going to do.I still couldn't get Pierce's voice out of my head. Had I been the reason Damon was killed?

Before I knew it, Ace had jabbed the knife into my arm. I screamed and dropped to my knees, gripping the arm and holding it away from him.

"Give it back, and hold still."

I did as I was told, but searing pain swept through me as he dug out a small computerized chip from my arm.

"Aha. A tracker." I heard Ace say, studying the chip. "Who wants to go and Chuck this over the wall?"

Matthias walked over and grabbed the chip from his hands. It still had some blood n it, but I was mostly focused about the blood pouring from my arm. I gripped it even tighter knowing it was the least of our concerns.

"We need to move," Ace said, "and fast. Matthias, will you be able to catch up to us if we start moving now?"

"I was born a runner." And with that, Matthias started in the direction of the wall.

"Why couldn't we just smash it," I suggested.

"It won't break."

There were no more words from Ace. He just moved to the other side of the Cave, and began to pack.

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