Chapter 8

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First there was silence. Deafening silence.

Then I began to hear shouts from above. Men screamed out orders, and other men relayed those orders. There was a woman right above my head speaking softly to someone else. It was as if they hadn't noticed me at all.

I looked around at my new surroundings. I seemed to be in a storage area, with boxes and paper sacks on every side. I took a few steps forward, but I didn't feel a wall. A few more steps. Open air. I ran with my hands in front of me and finally hit a wall.

Realization hit me, and what I thought to be a black helicopter suddenly became an enormous hovercraft.

I walked over to one of the bigger boxes, slowly opening the lid. I gasped when I saw what was inside.

Under a thing layer of Styrofoam, was what looked like a bomb. Ace was right. They were hiding something from us. I brushed away more of the packaging paper, and stared at the red symbols painted across the bomb. A hammer, a sickle, and a torch. That was not merely the symbol for Dawn, it was the symbol for the whole country.

Suddenly, a heard a loud noise from behind. I turned sharply around my knife drawn in an instant, just like Matthias had taught me. There was no one there. I crept silently forward, hearing the noise again and again. Footsteps. Reaching my hand above my head, I felt a narrow handle. A hatch. It was a route out of this unit without going through the main entrance. When I listened, I heard only silence. I reached up, and opened the hatch.


I hadn't realized how used to the dark I had become in till the blinding light from above hit me. For a second I was surrounded in pure light, until my eyes adjusted. I was now in a prison. A silent, grave prison. All the cells seemed to be empty as I grazed by them, with only one purpose. Matthias.


There was only one prisoner in this prison. Sitting on a bench with his head down, and his hair falling into his eyes.

"Matthias!" I shouted,"it is you!"

I ran over and grabbed the bars of his cell. It couldn't possibly this easy.

"Who's Matthias," he said. Then he reached over and brushed a strand of hair from my eye.

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