Chapter 10

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I turned away


I covered my ears, and crawled over to the farthest corner of my cell. I could tell from a crack in the ceiling that it was morning, and the hovercraft buzzed with activity. But in here, there was only one word over and over again.


It was Matthias. I peeked over and saw him gripping the bars of his cage like a wild animal.

"Adelia, help me."

I closed my eyes curled into a ball, falling into a deep, dreamless sleep.



I bolted upright.


The room was filled with government officers, streaming in through every open door. I got up and ran towards him. They had managed to grab his wrist and pin him to the wall. He screamed again as they pulled out a thin needle.

"It's for your own good," they calmly assured him.

"No." I was up on my feet, running towards him, when another officer grabbed me, and threw me against the far wall. My head bounced of a metal shelf, and ricocheted into the floor. I tasted blood.

"Matthias," I whispered, forgetting all he had done to me. He needed me now. He needed me.

The thin needle pierced into his flesh, and the screams were instantly silenced. He dropped to his knees, and grabbed his arm. Just like he did in the forest, a million years ago.

The guards walked calmly out of the room, and I stood up slowly, hoping, praying, that I wouldn't pass out.

Matthias looked up. His eyes were red hot coals, burning through me.

"You," he said, rising to his feet. "You did this to me, didn't you." He slowly walked closed and closer to the edge of his cell. "You only wanted to hurt me, to torture me. You played being so nice, but look at yourself now."

"I-I," I began, but there was never thing to say. He was still advancing, hands shaking with anger. He grabbed the bars and ripped them from their hinges.

"You must die."

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