Chapter 17

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"Net! Ostanovit' yeye!"

"Kto ona...poluchit' yeye! Kto to poluchit' yeye!"

Someone grabbed my arm and yanked me to the ground. Guards and officers rushed past me to the Czar, and over everything I could hear Matthias's muffled cry.

"Adelia! Adelia!"

He ran towrads me, but the officers held him back.

"Adelia! Why didn't you tell me! Adelia!"

I felt my world crumbling. The secret I had kept for so long, the secret I had nearly forgotten myself, was out. Yes, I was the heir to the throne. Yes, I was Adelia Yakovlev, the Czar's missing daughter.

"Tikho! Let her speak!"

The room silenced and I came, once again, face to face with my father.

"I will crush you. I will destroy the throne."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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