Chapter 4

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I tried the sword, but every time I fought Ace, he slaughtered me, and I was left panting on the ground, my sword far away. I tried the bow, but when I aimed at the slab of wood, I could only hit the rock in front of it. Ace shook his head and grabbed the bow from my hands, shooting a perfect bulls eye.

"You're completely hopeless," he shouted, throwing his hands into the air. I sighed and retrieved the arrow. I aimed. I fired. Once again, I hit the rock. "You're not even strong enough to hit something thirty five feet in front of you. How are you going to hit soldiers a hundred feet away, and actually HIT them?"

"Now, Ace, don't be mean." Said Matthias, standing quietly behind me, pacing back and forth. "Let her try again. She's getting better." He smiled at me.

"NO. No," Ace grabbed the arrow from my hands and snapped it in two, throwing it at my feet. He turned on his heel and stomped away. "She's completely useless."

My smile vanished as I watched Ace fade into the distance. What if I really was useless. Would I have to leave?

"You're not useless," Matthias whispered, as if reading my mind.

Suddenly Matthias was charging at me with a knife in hand.

"Are you insane?" I screamed. Then as of on instinct, I grabbed his wrist and twisted it around his back, pinning it to the ground. For a second I was shocked, not sure what just happened, but I quickly recovered. "Drop the knife," I shouted. "DROP IT!"

He released the knife with a grunt, and I kicked it behind me. But I didn't let go of his arm.

"One thing you forgot, New Girl," and he used his free arm to grab me and pulled me into a choke lock, sucking the air from my lungs.

"My name's Adelia," and I sunk my teeth into his arm.

Matthias screamed and released me, dropping to his knees. I backed away slowly, afraid he was going to reach for the knife again. But all he did was look up and give me a crooked smile.

"Well," he said, clutching his bleeding forearm. "Looks like you might have something here."

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