Chapter 9

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I backed away from him, my eyes growing wide and my hands shaking.

"You're Matthias," I whispered. I looked him up and down, and noticed he was wearing a what team jumpsuit, the uniform of a government officer. "What have they done to you?"

"They've set me free," he whispered. "I no longer have to look in the mirror and think about the evil person I once was."

"Matthias." I let a tear slide down my cheek. What had the DONE.

"Yeah, I think that was his name."

"But you loved yourself," I shouted. "I loved you."

"Yes, but thanks to these people, I can come back to the city and be the man I always should have been. An officer." He gestured around him at the officers filing in the small room. I no longer cared. I sank to my knees.

"Matthias," I whispered.

"Oh please. Don't call me that. I think I'm going to change my name to..." he thought for a second. "I'm going to name myself after the great leader, Vladimir Putin."

The crowd let out a cheer. I cried. Then the officers picked me up by the shoulders and dragged me into a cell. I didn't resist. All I asked was that they take me far away from him, and for once, they obeyed. I never wanted to speak to him again.

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