Chapter Twenty - Getting Ready

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Since I am now ahead with my writing updates will now be on Thursdays! Yey!

Note: this book is being written completely on my phone.


~Sea :)

Chapter Twenty

The flat was quiet when I woke up the next morning. Turning over I found a note from Harry on the bedside table. I was so curious to know what it said I barely allowed my eyes to adjust before I started reading.


Today we get to listen to our album one more time before it is released so we went to the studio.

We are performing our first single from the album tonight at the gala which means rehearsal all day.

I foresee we will be home with just enough time to throw our suits on and go. Be ready is all I ask.


He gave me times and other details that I didn't bother to read aloud. I slumped back onto the bed reading the note again. Why did I feel slightly disappointed? It's Not like I was expecting a declaration of love or something. He treated me last night the same way he has been treating me for the past couple of days so no surprise there.

I covered my face with my hand. Finding out about why Harry called the agency was mind blowing even though I had pretty much guessed it. With that knowledge I thought I could look at the way he had been treating me differently but with no avail. The way he treats me has nothing to do with why I'm here but me in general. Does he not like my personality? He's almost kissed me twice for heavens sake... My fingers slid down to my lips as I replayed each moment in my head. That was a couple days ago, slowly starting to feel like a generation though.

Why the sudden change Harry? I flipped over onto my belly grabbing my camera off the bedside table turning it on. I clicked to the picture of the boys and me at Trafalgar square. My eyes gluing onto Harry and I in the center.

That stupid day is when things changed. In the morning he was holding my hand on the bus and wanting to be in pictures with me, changed to 'I want nothing to do with you, come when I call and don't speak unless spoken too'.

Doesn't he realize I am a person with feelings too!? I am suffering inside because of him and all my hurt is turning into anger because he is so complicated. I tried asking to talk about... Well, us, twice now and both times he has shut me down.

He has my heart in his hand and is squeezing it to death with his long slender fingers.

Instead of feeling sorry for myself all day I decided to workout. I went out to the living room, plugged my IPhone in and turned on a quick steady beat. I started with some warm ups then shifted to legs and core. Instead of focusing on Harry, I concentrated on my form and doing each move correctly. I was over joyed when I felt the burn of performance.

The home phone rang while I was exercising and so since it wasn't my place I decided not to answer it. That is until Eleanor's voice came through the answering machine.

"Hey Kristen! Wondering if your there? Hello?" She held the 'O' as I rushed to get the phone.

"Hello?" I said picking up the phone.

"I thought you had gone out for a spilt second and I was kinda dumbfounded on what to say if you hadn't picked up!" I hadn't known her very long but the image of her glowing happy face appeared in my mind when she spoke.

"Well I'm here. Just working out a bit."

"Oh that's great! You make me feel bad because that's something I should do more often."

"Oh hush! Your perfect Eleanor and you know it!"

"So are you." I didn't say anything after that and after a small silence Eleanor continued. "The reason I'm calling is because the gala is tonight and I was curious if you wanted to get ready together?"

I reread Harry's letter mentally. It would make more sense if Eleanor came over so that the boys weren't having to go pick her up.

"Sounds good, what about Perrie?"

"She can't make it tonight. Little Mix has something going on sadly."

"Oh, that's too bad." Poor Zayn. The struggle of two busy famous people in a relationship must be difficult normal relationships are already difficult as it is.

"Well?" Eleanor said holding out the 'E'.

"Yes! Sorry about that." I really needed to work on not spacing out when talking to people. I never use to do it and since this is some type of work I should be more professional.

"Okay! See you later then!"

She hang up and I resumed my workout.

"Please El, Let me see you!" Louis said pounding on the locked bedroom door.

"Sorry babe, you have to wait. Patients is a virtue."

Eleanor and I were getting ready in Harry's room. Our dresses hanging up just waiting for us to put them on. I glanced to mine and shivered just looking at it. I had forgotten to buy a coat at the mall so now I was going to freeze to death.

"Can I just wear my bathrobe tonight?"

Eleanor paused from putting on mascara to look at me with a smirk on her face. "I guess you can, but I'd like to remind you this is a black tie affair." She laughed continuing make-up.

I looked back at the dress and how sleeveless it was. I am only wearing it down to the car then into the building of the party. I'm sure I won't be that cold. I frowned slightly and Eleanor noticed.

"What's wrong?"

"My dress is sleeveless, I forgot to buy a coat and it's negative degrees outside!" I whined. "I should just wear my robe."

Eleanor eyes grew wide like she just realized that what I was saying was all true. Yep. I thought to myself. I'm screwed.

"Hold on a minute!" She bounded to the closet to return with a garment bag. "Open it!" She pushed it into my hands.

Clutching the zipper firmly. I pulled it down to reveal a white furry short jacket cape. "Oh Eleanor! It's beautiful! Thank you so much." I put the jacket down and hugged her.

"So that you'll always remember your trip to London." She said hugging me back.

My eyes watered a bit. How could I not remember this trip? There is to much going on I can barely keep track of it all. My interest in wanting to be working for BP, my liking to Harry Styles heartthrob and all the other boys and people I have met.

"You okay?" Eleanor asked pulling away to look at me. Staring into her eyes I saw a sweet and compassionate person who really cared about me despite the fact of knowing me for three days. If I tell her everything maybe she can help. Help me have my cake and eat it to without hurting anyone...

I was about to open my mouth to pour open my guts when a knock on the door startled both of us.

"Girls! Hurry!" Louis whined through.

Mentally thanking Louis for the interruption I finished my make-up and hair then slipped on my dress and jacket. Eleanor and I glanced each other over before smiling signal we both approved then walked out to the living room where the boys were waiting.


The next to chapters should be much better. There will be more Harry/Kristen interaction and some drama. :P

Till next time!


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