Chapter Twenty-Two - You are a _____ and Don't Forget It!

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Just a quick remainder: All the chapters are in Kristen's point of view unless noted before the chapter, so her view or Harry's view will jump back a bit.


~Sea :)

Chapter Twenty-Two

It was freezing as we stepped from the limo into the cold London air. Camera flashes aluminated the night sky and I pulled my jacket tightly around Me trying to contain the warmth. Harry held my hand all the way up the carpet, stopping to wave at fans who had gotten through the paparazzi wall. I few girls even waved at me and sent me heart signals with their hands. It touched my heart to know I was accepted by Harry's fans.  

At least, by some. Who knows what they could be saying about me online. I happily hummed grateful I never took interest in those social sites like Myspace and Facebook.

I was about to move on with Harry up the carpet but something caught my eye in the crowd and I stopped dead in my tracks. The reporter from Trafalgar Square was staring right at me. His gaze unwavering as he motioned to his eyes then pointed to me signifying 'watching you.' I was starting to really freak out until Harry touched my hand. With his reassuring hand in mine we continued toward the door but thoughts of the man still filled my mind.

Harry was standing close by my side until we got inside the building. Turning with Eleanor I walked with her into the coatroom to check our coats.

"Can you believe how gorgeous it is in here?" Eleanor asked as we proceeded out of the room.

"It is very exquisite. I'm glad you talked me into buying this dress." I pulled at the long hemline and watched it sway with the movement of my body.

"Don't mention it hun. I'm glad you like it as much as I do." She smiled then added. "Because if you wouldn't have gotten it I would have taken matters into my own hands and MADE sure you would have worn it."

"I have no doubts!" We both laughed at that and then we were back with the boys.

Harry was staring at me as I approached him. "You look beautiful." His low husky voice sounding sincere and honest.

"Thank you." I shyly peaked up at him. I was surprised by his compliment because of the way he had been acting the past few days, but I was not going to complain because it made me secretly happy inside. I welcomed his touch as he placed his hand on my lower back sending that special shock through my entire body just with that one single touch.

He guided me to the table, which was in the front of the room so we walked past all the VIP and fan tables and girls whispered and pointed at me. I sure wish I knew what they were saying We all took our seats and the show began with the MC introducing Simon and Susan.

I was listening with interest as Simon spoke about the boys on the X Factor and the group forming getting third place overall then signing with his company right after. The boys moved to get up and I looked at Harry mouthing "Where are you going?" He smiled at me with his cheeky grin and placing his index finger across his lips just fueling my curiosity.

I watched as they moved behind the stage and I looked to Eleanor for an answer but she wasn't helpful because she was laughing at my, questioning face, who new I looked that funny?

Suddenly the boys excitedly walked out on stage and the girls in the back of the room started screaming. The music started and suddenly all eyes were on Zayn as he stepped forward and started to sing.

"Girl it should be me driving to your house, knocking on the door, kissing you on the mouth."

I closed my eyes listening with my ears to all their amazing voices, my heart almost stopped beating hearing Harry sing live. I had fallen for his voice on the phone the first time I had heard it. I thought I had prepared myself listening to him sing all the way here on the plane but I think nothing could have prepared me for this. The lyrics he sang rang through my ears and I opened my eyes once he had finished and they began the chorus.

Our eyes met and locked the moment mine were open. I felt like only he and I existed as he sang not removing his eyes from me. My heart grew heavy as thoughts of BP flashed in my mind. I felt so guilty suddenly being here and I wished with every fiber of my being that I could tell him the truth.

On impulse, I whispered barely audible as I still looked at him: "I'm not an escort, but a secretary. I came here to get a chance to get my foot in the door with a company a have dreamed about all my life, I'm so sorry."  

Saying it out loud filled me with relief and I smiled to myself finally getting it somewhat off my chest.

"Aren't they spectacular?" I hadn't noticed Susan had taken the seat Harry had been occupying just a few minutes ago.

Not really sure why she was talking to me, I responded. "Oh yes." While nodding my head.

"That is why it is my job to protect them." I really had know clue where she was going with what she was saying until I listened further. "I was against you coming here, but Harry persuaded Simon, Benjamin and Paul to agree to let you come."  

I didn't say a word to respond so she continued. "I'm just going to cut straight to the point: You are a whore. No matter how much money he offers you or how charming he is to you, will not sleep with him. 

"You will be gone in a week or two and he will forget about you and I don't need some whore getting famous by claiming she's pregnant with Harry's child. It's bad for the image of the boys just like if you are found out so keep your little mouth shut and your panties up." She smiled at me once she finished and I was shocked to silence.

My chest hurt and I was almost about to cry. No one had ever spoken to me like that. No one had ever insulted me as badly as Susan just did. I looked at Harry as he bowed and waved to the audience that were screaming and applauding the boys. His eyes found mine and my heart sank to my stomach and my throat got tight that I could barely breathe. I needed -no, wanted- to go home. I couldn't stay here anymore and suddenly the way Harry had been treating me all made sense. To everyone here I was a whore and they were all treating me kindly to hide the fact minus Harry, who wanted to make sure I knew my place and now I do and I couldn't take it.

Finally my breathing was catching and I did all that I could to get away from the situation: I ripped my eyes away from Harry and walked briskly almost at a run out of the room not looking back.

I had no idea where I was going as my vision blurred but I didn't care. I needed to get away and breathe but was finding it hard to get oxygen into my lungs. My heart was aching as I turned and ran up these stairs I had randomly found, I found myself in this long dark corridor with only the moon and city lights to light my way. My foot steps echoed as I ran as fast as I could in my dress and heels. Suddenly, I heard extra footsteps in the corridor and my name being called.

"Kristen!" It was Harry! I quickened my pace as I yelled back. "Go away! Leave me alone!" His steps quickened and suddenly my wrist was grabbed and I was pulled up against his chest.

"Kristen, what's wrong? Talk to me." His sincerity was breaking my heart. He has been sending me the past few days up and down on roller coaster rides I didn't want to be on and he was doing it now.

"No! Let go of me! Leave me alone! I can't handle this, I can't handle you!" I screamed at him as I pounded his chest with tears running down my face.

"Let me help you, please." His voice sounded frantic, like he didn't know what to do. I wish he hadn't followed me because his presence was making this whole situation worse.

"No! I don't want help from you! I want to get away from you because-" What he did next surprised me. He silenced my raving with his lips...


Oooooo! So what did you think? Like the drama, yes? I sure enjoyed writing it! ;)


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