What is love 11: Test of Faith

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I don't think I've been this nervous since the day I revealed myself to Danny. Today was special. Today, I was going to take the biggest step Slenderly possible for me. Though I grow embarrassed and worried, I know I can push through. Danny is always whole hearted and ready as usual and I can't say I'm at that pace yet. Yes, I'm still taking things pretty slow after so long, but can't help it. Naturally I have my doubts and worries as any man should after a broken heart, but even then, that's an excuse.

I stop the car in the drive way of the Dare's home and swallow nervously.

Now hold on a moment-- Why did I drive? I didn't need to drive! I'm so nervous I hadn't even realized I had driven all the way here. However still, in my human form, I knock on the door any way. The Dare came to the door and raised a brow.

" You...drove?"


" Are you nervous?" The door came open and I saw her in something comfortable. Shorts to mid thigh and a long sleeve shirt. Just a common observation.

" A little.." I confess honestly making my way in and letting Danny lead the way.

" Well don't get nervous yet. Sit sit sit. You change, and I'll change too. How about that?" Always trying to make me feel better, this one.

" Alright." I agree smiling and taking a seat. The Dare disappeared into her room shutting the door and I changed over to my other form.

I lifted my hand and looked at it's length as well as the legs and paused there silently. This is probably wrong, very wrong to even attempt for a second time in months. We haven't even kissed in this form since the very first. In the midst of my thoughts, I hear the door open and my being warms. I only hoped it was nothing too embarrassing this time.

" Mr. Slender?" Her voice in a play sort of tone, sultry, She walked from around the corner and as I figured my heart pounded to the sight of her. But it was when all of her was revealed, I thought if I had eyes I would probably look ridiculous. She wore a black silken robe, fishnet thigh highs connecting to her garment. Her tan stomach made the vibrant red stand out even more, her perked breast sitting in her contraption effortlessly perfect, if I'm allowed to say that. Then just her expression was enough to keep me dazed. Every time she actually makes an effort I find myself speechless. I really would prefer her in her boyshorts and tank. At Least then, I can look at her without my confidence wavering.

" Stunning as usual." I say finally, my actual voice suddenly foreign to me.

The Dare approached me confidently as she should since this wasn't unusual, but for me this was a whole other experience. She sat right on my lap and pulled my tie out of it's tuck, tugging it to lowering me.

" Slender man, You've gone tomato in the past minute. Tell me, are you fantasizing..?"

" My fantasies are all here Ms.Dare. It's more thinking about what I want to do to you and how I'd like to do it."

" Well, don't hold back." Her voice was soft and she kissed my face. My cheeks to be more precise. Then I open my mouth for when she was to kiss me, and she does very deeply, causing me to lick my lips. Her taste was incredible..

The Dare continued to kiss me and she tugged the tie off, unbuttoning my top button and pressing her body against me with a curl to her back. My heart was pounding for she got my suit jacket off and started to fully loosen my tie. Her hands were slow and her face so close to my own. I was abash to how shameless she was behaving, her gestures so elegant and yet she was aroused to a churning point, I knew it. I could see her pheromones and they were lively.

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