What is love fan fiction :: V-day special::

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What is love FF ( Valentine ls day special!)



I think I remember when the day was created. It was a burden to me for while. It made me depressed and question myself.

But now, I know there is some one special that cares about me and adores me for me. All of me.

Where I may be ashes if I where a man, her youth wraps her gently and refuses to let her go. And yet, she stays with this heavy hearted old man.

I sighed.

I love that woman. To death, I love her. She has me intrigued, interested. A HUMAN.

I haven't felt like this since... Liza. However this feeling is so much more closed, warm.

I want to hold her, love her.

I want to have her all to myself.

Selfish, I know, but she feels the same way.

There have been countless times when I have thought about growing older with her, and then surpassing her death. But it hurt to much to think about her last words, so I decided to leave that tIme where it may be and focus on this young future that hasn't even begun.

Since I have been in this... love, I have begun doing something that I have never done before,
enjoy myself.

But returning to valentines day... What should I get her?

Knowing Danny better than anyone, I know she could care less about diamond rings or fancy clothing. They made her uncomfortable. To add on, she hated that I wasted my money on such "foolish garbage", as she would say .

Money could never buy that woman. But what did she want? Something hand made? Like on christmas..?

Or perhaps, something sincere like letting her know how much I love her.

This day cannot be average for my little dare, no no.

It would be spectacular. Even she deserves this.



I worked extra hours just to have valentines and a couple days after that to spend time with Slendy.

I had just come off work and was embarrassed when I found myself at the shopping center. It was sort of like a mall, but it had no food court or anything like that.

And I.. Just so happen to be in VS for some pantie shopping.

Okay, I know. Slendy is very reserved and VIRGIN. He had been avoiding the sex talk since new years.

I remember all the times we almost baby made and he calmly refused. But now, he poofs every time I touch him or try to kiss him.

I was suddenly distracted by a really nice laced bra. On the padding was a black silk and the color of the cup was Red.

Slen loves red on me right? Of all the times we where out, I think red was the most put onto me.

I smiled to myself and got a bit of the chills all of a sudden.

He was looking for me. He wants to see me. No...not yet. I still have to get ready.


I walked through a few stores with bags in my hand.

I wonder if this is enough.

I have no idea what the Slenderman wants.

' to eat you.' My conscious teased.

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