What is love fan fiction :5:

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What is love? ( The delicious history lesson.)



I have been quite adventurous recently.

The dare and myself have been trying new things. She introduced me to the pockey game, and the food guessing game.

The pocky game was a Japanese type of game that involved the pockey stick, a biscuit dipped in chocolate or strawberry sauce, and two people.

Each of us had to goto one end of the stick and try to get the larger half without our lips touching. Of corce, new to the game, she beat me several times, but then I had begun winning.

It's about being assertive and dominant, shying off your other opponent.

Eventually, our lips ended up touching several times and we ended up making the game more sexual than intended.

There was one time when we where playing and I placed the end on my mouth and she came onto me slowly taking all the stick in her mouth, biting the end closer to my lips.

I flustered.

And the time when we where playing the food guessing game, she was passing the strawberry over to me and I bit it. I couldn't tell what it was. She bit it herself and then passed over to me, chewed and more soft. I tasted it a lot better that time.

Why do I continue to think about these experiences..? What is it called..? Fantasizing..

Because she introduced me to new things, I was going to return the flavor--favor excuse me.




Gosh, Slendy was so fun. For a murderer, he was actually really innocent.

I smiled to myself. I wonder what other games we could play. I knew he hated chocolates, he wasn't a fan of sweets. He liked a lot of bitter type of things but I think it's because his taste buds are sensitive.

Knock knock.

I sat up and stretched before going to the door.

" Hey. You could have just let yourself in." I say walking back to the couch. He closed the door and fixed up his gloves.

I licked my lips from the chocolate I was eating and Slendy was watching me with a smile on his face.

" What? I smiled."

" I want to prepare dinner for you." He said.

" Really? You cook?"

" Indeed I do, Ms.Dare."

" Hm. Go ahead."

He went into my kitchen and I walked with him, he made several things spawn from his hands.

" How does Indonesian sound?"

" Delicious!" I said excited

My stomach was already growling.

I was super excited to see what he was going to cook.

I sat at the dinner table and drunk some water while i waited.

" Are you alergic to shellfish."

" When it comes to food, I'm not allergic to anything." I said greedily.

Slendy chuckled and continued.

The room started to smell good with the red and brown curries. Even the potatoes and tomatoes where smelling divine..

What is love Fan fictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora