What is love fan fiction :2:

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[2]A what is love fan fiction.

Danny dare


I blushed and day dreamed all over again. I curled my toes at the memory, so turned on I felt like I was going mad..!! Slen's face.
He actually...


But, then he ran away.

I mean, I'm a virgin too but, he didn't have to run off like that. Wait is he a virgin? Maybe..

I pulled up my sheets and curled up. It suddenly got cold..

I was feeling very lonley... Sharing a bed for 10 minuets really makes you want have some one there all the time.

I really couldn't wait to see him again.

His smell was all over my sheets... I couldn't stop smelling them... I opened and closed my hands remembering what I had felt.

I wasn't even expecting THAT much of a size... He was huge...

Where are you Slen... I really need your company...




I forced myself to leave the home that day. I didn't even come back to the same area for another two weeks. She was being monitored of course since I still needed time to sort through my thoughts. This little one really had my heart going and it hadn't beat in ages...

Frustrated, I decided to go for a stroll in the forest. Hungry for anything really. My appetite had grown fairly large since the passing week.

There were a couple of children playing near the river. A male and a female. The female was hard to distinguish because her hair was short and curly. She wore shorts and a batman vest. The male was wearing a pink shirt, with sandals. I know very confusing. The smell how ever made the distinction easier. I listened in what ever adventure they where imagining before the kill since children always seemed to be care free and running around with their creative heads, having the times of their lives with just a stick or something of that simplicity.

" Promise me Nathan!!"

However this time it seemed different.

" Promise you what Annie?"

" That you'll be with me forever..."

" But I'm moving---"

" Let's meet here again... In the future!!"

" How long will that be..?"

" I dont know..."

The young female started to tear up but you could see she was trying to be tough. The male hugged her.

" Ill be back... I promise."

" Thank you nate..."

They both soon where laughing and playing resuming their game. The boy did make his way out of this area that evening.

I don't even know why I had let them live. There was something that I didn't want to break between them. Instantly I thought about Danny.

I had to make it up to her.




" Where are you TDH....?"

Knock knock knock!!

" You know what... Maybe I should just call you out loud. Then you would come..." I mumble to myself

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