What is love: 8

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( Unwanted company prt3)



That's what I felt entering the hotel-room. The door was broken down, the room was a mess and most of all, My Dare was missing.

" Habit..." I hiss. Who the hell does he think he is!?! I'm going to murder that bastard if its the last Goddamned thing I do. Where did The dare escape to? The only thing in my mind, and I only hoped I was wrong, Was the small patio covered in snow. Reluctant, I made my way to the area and my stomach sinks when I see several pairs of foot steps.
" Sh... " I nearly curse. I teleport my way down after shifting to my form an I examine what looks like a fall and a dragging of feet. I immediately follow the steps however, the tracks got lost after I reach a public area and I turn and look around. I kept myself concealed of course to any human at the moment. I didn't want to scare any one right now. I nearly kill a few out of fustration and finally just leave the area. I needed to find Jeff.
" Boss man." I hear his annoying voice say. " What can I do ya for?" That's right. Jeff is working for me. As far as I know anyway.

" Where is Danny? At the hotel room, I saw stabs in the door. What was left of it any way. I know you were there.. "

" Shes safe. Jack.. Isn't with her so I know he's not trying anything, The Habit just has her secluded. He wanted me to tell you to Meet him, But then he changed his mind. He wants to make you worry."
Annoyed, I respond. " That doesn't answer my question, so here's another one, Do you know where she is?"

" Yeah, I do."

"Take me there then."

" No can do."

I narrow my eyes. " And why is that?"
Jeff scratched his head nervously before speaking. " Me and Habs got into a little argument. Let's just say I'm defiantly on ends with him and he doesn't trust me as much as he did. No worries I'm Working on regaining his trust, and it involves getting you there. But you have to do exactly as I say."

I scoff. " You want me to trust the likes of you?"
" Uh, yeah. I do. " he says as if it's nothing.

" You stab people, Jeff. In their chests, Their heads, hell, Their backs! And you want me to risk it?"

" Hey, hey number one, I'm not a back stabber. I stab in the lower back or the shoulders. Second, If that's the case why would you ask me to do this in the first place? I've been with you for a few years now, Slendy."

" Don't call me that."

" Whatever. My point is, you're running out of time. I am your only hope pretty much and Jack is probably looking for me right now. So make up your mind."

This is risky but I don't have any leads. I don't even know where to look.

" Whats' your plan."

" I'm basically going to Tell him you surrendered and you to the rest."

" Kill him?"

" Your asking or telling me? "

I smile. " I like your style."

"He's a total Ass-whole. That bastard deserves it. Now I'll meet you back at the hotel room when I relay him my message alright? "

I nod and leave the area heading back to the hotel room.

I waited for hours. I even got the room fixed up. And, my lord the expense for it. Nothing I couldn't handle, but it seemed like a waste. Finally I heard a few knocks and I rush to the door.

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