Chapter 2

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~ Ryder's P.O.V ~

I quietly trailed behind Calum and Michael so that they wouldn't know I was following them. I watched as they walked into the office and Calum sat across from Michael. My eyes locked with Calum's and I immediately started to panic assuming he was going to tell Michael but instead a devious look took over his features. Why in the hell is he looking at me like that? Does he have a problem or something? My train of thought was interrupted by Michael speaking.

"What do you want Calum?" The annoyance in Michael's voice made very clear

"I want my wife back." Calum casually stated causing my eyes to widen and Michael to let out a dry humorless laugh. What the Fuck? I thought it was clear that we were just friends and nothing more.

"She's my wife now Calum. What makes you think you can just come into my house and tell me what you, I don't give a Fuck about what you want. You don't deserve her." Michael stated causing Calum to raise an eyebrow

"And you do? You're the one who cheated on her a week before your wedding and got a girl pregnant. I bet you didn't tell her that did you?" I could feel the tears rushing down my face. My throat felt as if it was closing up and I could no longer breath

"You what?" I spoke my voice coming out dry and broken. I watched as Michael stiffened up and slowly turned towards me. His face was now paler than usual as he audibly gulped.

"Listen baby, I can explain. It....." I ran away before I could hear Michael say another, I thought I could trust him. I stayed faithful to him but he cheated on me, a week before we got married. How could he do this to me? My train of thought was cut off by Michael grabbing onto my arm and turning me around to face him. He immediately wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a bone crushing hug as tears dripped down his face onto my burning hot skin.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing, it was a mistake. I swear I was going to tell you." His pale green eyes that were now clouded with tears were staring into Mine.

"When were you going to tell her? Before of after you found out you got the girl pregnant. What about the child's first, second or third birthday, Were you going to tell her then? Or better yet were you going to tell her before or after you decided to sneak out when she was sleeping to see your son" I heard Calum say from behind Michael. I felt as Michael's body trembled with pure anger but he refrained from saying anything to Calum, instead he just dropped down to his knees in front of me with his arms now wrapped around my legs and his chin pressed against my stomach as he looked up at me.

"What can I do to make this better? I promise I'll do anything, If it means you'll forgive me." His eyes stared into Mine with so much hope as I gently stroked his cheek.

"I should have never married you."

~Michael's P.O.V ~

I could feel my heart break as those words left her mouth and she pushed me away from her causing me to fall back. It was a mistake, a stupid mistake. I felt as if someone had just stabbed me in the chest. I watched as Ryder walked pass Calum who had the biggest smirk on his face and went straight to our room.

"I guess she's not your wife anymore now, huh? You really thought you got her away from me didn't you? You thought I could never get her back didn't you. Well think of it this way, who is she going to come running to, to make her feel better, who do you think is going to be comforting her as you drown in your own misery. You might have thought you got Ryder away from me but you didn't, you and Ryder both know she's mine and always will be." Anger rushed through me as I stood to my feet and charged at Calum and threw him to the floor. I started throwing punch after punch until he flipped us over and punched me in the nose causing a gruesome cracking sound to echo through the room and blood to rush out of my nose. I tried to flip him back over but he kept on punching. I was so involved in trying to flip him of me that I didn't realize Ryder and our children were back in the room until she screamed for us to stop before pulling calum off of me.

When he finally got off of me and I got a clear view of who was behind him. Ryder was standing behind him with a luggage In her hand and the twins clinging to her legs and our other beatiful kids holding their backpacks full of clothing. I immediately stood to my feet wiping away the blood

"Please don't go. I'm sorry, please baby, don't leave me. " I cried. I saw Dylan reach out her arms about to come over and hug me but Calum grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back over to him before picking her up and placing her on his hip.

"Goodbye Michael." I watched as they all walked out of the door without another word. I could see Dylan reach out her hand for me but the door was closed behind her. I quickly scurried over to the window and watched Ryder crying on Calum's shoulder as the children climbed into the back seat of his car.

That should be me making her feel better, but how can I make her feel better if I was the one that hurt her. I could feel the warm tears drop down my face as I watched Calum kiss away her tears before guiding her to the passenger seat and opening the door for her as she got in. His eyes locked with mine as he smirked before climbing in his car and driving away with my beatiful wife and our amazing kids.