Alternate Chapter 11

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~Ryder's P.O.V~

"With pleasure." Michael smirked about to pull the trigger

"You and I both know that if you kill me the deal is off." Jonah smirked standing to his feet and brushing himself off.

"What deal?" Michael's eyes began to shift as he tried to keep from making eye contact with me

"You didn't tell her? I am shocked, I thought you told each other everything." Jonah's voice dripped with sarcasm

"Shut up Jonah" Michael said through clenched teeth

"Why? Do you think it will break her wittle heart?" Jonah said replacing the l with a w and sticking out his bottom lip forming a fake pouty face.

"Michael what Is he talking about?" My arms were now crossed against my chest as I glared at Michael

"Nothing." Michael quickly glanced at me before looking back at Jonah

"Haven't you realized that lying only make things worse? Just tell me the fucking truth for once" I hissed causing Michael to look at me before handing Ashton his gun and instructing him to point at Jonah

"You want me to tell you the truth? When have you ever told me the truth? I'm trying to protect you but you can't see that. Can't you just be happy that I'm trying to keep you safe?" Michael basically screamed now standing directly in front of me breathing heavily

"No because you killed Eliana the last time you tried to 'keep me safe' ." I screamed pushing him back

"I only did what I thought was best for you." Michael stroked my cheek

"But what you did was wrong." I sighed "Please just tell me what's going on." I pleaded not able to take anymore of these secrets

"Please just promise you'll try to understand." I nodded signaling for him to continue. He sighed before following my orders "A few years back I made a deal with a group of guys that I would give them two girls that they could use as their slaves. I promised that they would be pure and innocent and do whatever they are told. I promised that the moment the girls turned eighteen i would bring them to the guys. The guys I made the deal with were apart of a rival gang I didn't realize it at first because I was drunk when I made the deal but now it's too late to break the deal." Michael looked away trying to keep from telling me the rest of the story

"Continue." I ordered to which Michael nodded

"I promised to give them Nala and Angel" Before he could continue Zayn slammed Michael against the wall wrapping his hand around his neck and Ashton turned his gun from Jonah to Michael. Calum quickly pulled out his gun and pointed it at Jonah

"You fucker, you tried to sell our daughters." Zayn seethed slamming Michael's head against the wall.

"I didn't mean to, I only meant to sell Nala because I knew Ryder hated the twins. I didn't know she would start loving them. I tried to get rid of them so that she wouldn't be upset." It took everything in me not to try and kill him as I listened to his reasoning

"Why did you involve my daughter though? She has nothing to do with Ashton and Ryder and I love her. What the fuck did she have to do with anything?" Zayn tightened his grip around Michael's neck causing him to chock

"I was drunk and I mixed up names. I only meant to promise them one slave and just kill Brooklyn or give him to them and have them raise him into their gang." Michael gasped for air. Ashton pushed Zayn off of Michael before pushing Michael to the floor and throwing multiple punches at his face.

"Those are my kids you Bastard" Ashton screamed punching harder. Zayn just sat on the floor watching them fight. I slowly made my way over to Ashton not really wanting to make him stop but knowing that I had to.

"Stop." I placed my hands on Ashton's shoulder. He slowly stood to his feet backing away from Michael but not before giving him one last hard kick to the stomach. I was surprised when Ashton's arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry for what I've done to you just please promise you'll never give up our kids." He whispered in my ear hugging me tighter

"I won't." I simply stated before pulling away from the hug and looking over at Michael

"How is Jonah involved in this?" Michal spit up blood trying to speak

"When I realized what I did I tried to go back and stop the deal but I couldn't so I made a deal with Jonah that if he could keep the gang from coming for the girls I would make sure that his mother's hospital bills were paid, he had a place to stay and that Brooklyn would join his gang." Michael wiped blood from the corner to his mouth before standing to his feet and leaning against the wall to keep himself up

"If he were to go back on the deal or kill me like he just tried to the deal would be broken and my people would kill your family and all of your daughters would be taken and given to the people they were promised to our just be put in a whorehouse that I run so that they can make my gang some money. If they grow up looking anything like you then I'm pretty sure we'll make a huge profit from them." Jonah smirked pulling a pair of black jeans up his legs and a white shirt over his head.

"Fuck you" I spat to which Jonah only laughed turning to face me

"You already did." My mouth fell open at the words that came out of his mouth. Jonah just winked before grabbing his coat off the chair beside his bed and sliding it on. He walked towards Calum and I before placing his hand on the gun that Calum was holding and lowered it so it was no longer point at him before standing directly in front of me and fixing his coat before wrapping an arm around me and grabbing my ass before slamming his lips against mine. I pressed my palms against his chest and pushed him away

"See you guys around." Jonah smirked before walking pass us and down the stairs. "Let yourselves out." Jonah yelled from down stairs before the front door slamming was heard.

~Ashton's P.O.V~

(1 Hour Later)

"What are we going to do?" I was currently sitting across from the guys as we talk about how we were going to fix Michael's mistake

"Maybe we should just leave Jonah and his gang alone, we can't afford to put ourselves at risk right now." Harry said rocking a sleeping Riley back and forth in his arms.

"What in the hell happened to us? We used to be the two strongest gang in the world, combining our gangs should have made us even stronger but instead we became weak. Now we have to turn to a weaker gang for help and fear them. What happened to you guys, you've all become weak" I spat slamming my fist on the arm of the chair causing all the guys to look at me.

"I don't know if you realize this but there are kids here, we can't act the way we use to. But of course you wouldn't know that because you haven't actually raised them have you. None of you have, I'm always here babysitting these kids. It's as if I'm their father and not any of you. All you guys care about is drinking and getting high. You all love the title of being a father but none of you are actually here for them, I am. Maybe you should start thinking about the fact that what you do will affect them." Harry handed Riley to Niall who quickly ran her upstairs to her room.

"I am trying to think about them. If we don't take down Jonah then our kids will be taken from us and turned into prostitues. I understand that you want to protect them, I do to but if we are going to protect them we need to fight. I know Jonah, I use to be apart of his gang and I know that he doesn't just let things go. He's going to be back and he will take them." Louis rolled his eyes as I spoke

"So what do you suggest we do? He already knows that we want to take him down. How can we possibly get to him with out him figuring it out before we do?" Louis asked moving his hair out of his face

"I have a plan but we'll have to get help from some of the guys from our old Gangs"