Alternate Chapter 12

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~Ryder's P.O.V~

"I thought we were done with gangs and drugs, why are you trying to bring them back?" Ashton just told me that him and the guys are planning on contacting some old gang members for help, but I don't feel like that's a good idea.

"Realistically we're not. If we were we wouldn't constantly have to be killing people, moving around or have to protect ourselves from people trying to hurt us. We might have calmed down over the years but we never actually stopped being who we are." I sighed knowing what Ashton said was right

"We can ask for help but only from people that we can trust. No old members, just people that have helped us over the years." I stated

"Like who?" I could tell Ashton was getting annoyed with me by the way his voice raised

"Well Luke told me he is calling up a favor from someone who would be able to help us. Calum is calling Ed and we already have Mali so us plus them is at least twelve people. I know a few people who will help us but we will have to pay for them to get here." I stated causing Ashton to nod.

"I think we're good." Ashton said with a small sigh. I looked over at Michael who seemed to be deep in thought

"No, we're missing one more."

(Two hours Later)

~Michael's P.O.V~

"And why would I help you?" I was sat in front of the last person I thought I would ever see again as I begged her for help.

"Please Ruby, my family is in danger?" She pulled the cigarette from her mouth before releasing the smoke.

"Why should I care, you aren't part of my gang anymore. You didn't need my protection anymore, remember?" She smirked at me before taking another inhale of her smoke

"I'm begging you, please just tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it." I desperately stated. I could tell by how the smirk on her face grew that she was enjoying seeing me so desperate for her help

"Beg" She simply stated. I looked around at the guys to see if any of them would say something to make her change her mind and not have me beg but they either shrugged or turned their back to me awkwardly scratching the back of their necks.

"Please Ruby...." She cut me off before I could finish

"No no no, get on your knees." I let out a frustrated groan before dropping to my knees in front of her

"Please help us, my wife and my kids are in danger and you are the only one who could possibly help us." She smirked before standing to her feet and walking over to Ryder. She rested a hand on Ryder's hip causing her to slightly tense up

"This your wife?" She asked still looking into Ryder's slightly frightened eyes.

"Yes." I stated trying to keep the last bit of self respect I had left.

"Hey beautiful, what's your name?" She gave Ryder a smirk. Normally I'd get upset if someone was that close to Ryder but I know Ruby is the only person that can help us take down Jonah and the gang that is trying to take Nala, Riley and Brooklyn away from us. Calum, Luke, Ashton and I all joined her gang when we were sixteen and seventeen years old. She was like family to us but we decided that we wanted to be our own boss so we left her gang and she didn't take it too well.

"Ryder, it's a pleasure to meet you Ruby." Ryder gave Ruby a polite smile. Ruby grabbed her hand before speaking

"The pleasure is all mine." She raised Ryder's hand to her mouth and kissed the back of it