Alternate chapter 10

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~Michael's P.O.V~

My throat began to burn as I choked my drink down. No matter how many drinks I have they can't drain out my problems, they just intensify them. Maybe this is what I deserve, maybe my past was coming back to haunt me.

"Maybe you should slow down, you're going to hurt yourself" Calum said from beside me.

"Why do you care? You're getting Ryder anyways, you don't have to pretend to like me." An almost psychotic chuckle passed my lips as I got another drink.

"Listen Michael, you and I both know that Calum is your friend. Stop fighting with us and just listen, you never listen that why you always end up messing up. Unlike me, Calum isn't just trying to get you out of the picture so he can get with Ryder. He's actually trying to help you." Zayn said taking a sip from his drink as he watched the girls dance around us.

"I just want her back." I could hear my voice crack but I tried to hold back any tears. Thankfully my phone rung stopping me from being too emotional but unluckily the caller id read Ashton.

"What do you need, Ashton?" I said as I answered the phone

"What the hell are you doing letting Ryder go out with Jonah?" He snapped

"I didn't even know they knew each other until recently and when I found out I tried to stop her. I don't think she'll be seeing him any time soon." I stirred my drink in my hand as I spoke

"Are you sure about that because she's at his house right fucking now?" I could hear him practically scream through the phone causing me to stand to my feet earning confused looks from Calum and Zayn.

"How do you know that?" I asked walking out the club with Calum and Zayn hot on my trail

"I went to visit Brooklyn and Nala and I saw her get on his bike and drive off, so I followed them to his house." I climbed in the car Calum and Zayn following suit.

"Okay wait outside, we'll be there soon." I hung up before pulling out of the parking lot.

"What's going on?" Calum asked confusion evident in his voice

"Ryder's with Jonah, Ashton said that they're at his house." I explained I heard Zayn sigh causing my gaze to flicker up at the rearview mirror to see him pull out his gun, Calum soon doing the same.

"Why does this feel like a regular occurrence? First it was you, then it was Ashton, now it's Jonah. Who are we going to be going after next?" Calum sighed as I speed up the car so we'd get there faster.

Not too long after I saw Ashton waiting across the street from Jonah's house as we pulled up. I crookedly parked the car before the guys and I got out approaching Ashton.

"Why didn't you go inside already?" I asked confused on why he was just standing here.

"You made Ryder get a restraining order against me so I can't get within 300 feet of her." I nodded remembering the day I told Ryder to get one.

"When has a restraining order ever stopped you?" I chuckled

"You right." Ashton said practically running towards the house with us following behind him. He pulled a gun from out his pants as he got to the front door.

"Everyone stay quiet, I don't want him to know we're here." Ashton said as Zayn got on his knees and began to pick the lock. It wasn't long before we heard a click signaling that the door has been opened.

We slowly crept in, dodging all the furniture and making our way up the stairs. We could hear mumbling coming from one room. We quietly made our way over to it, all our guns drawn.

"How do you know his name?" I heard Ryder say her voice a little higher than usually letting me know that she was slightly scared

"You told me." Jonah nervously stated

"I never told his name." I could hear them scrambling around the room

"He fucked up." Zayn chuckled earning a slap on the shoulder from Ashton signaling for him to stop talking

"What are you doing?" I pressed my ear more against the door as he spoke

"I'm heading home, my kids are probably worried." I could hear footsteps coming towards the door causing all of us to take a step back and raise our guns

"You're not going anywhere" The moment we heard his words Ashton and I kicked the door causing it to burst open and Ryder and Jonah to fall.

"Get your fucking hands off my wife." Jonah raised his hands above his head, faking surrender

"What is this? An Everyone who's fucked Ryder party? If it is I think we're missing a few people." Jonah smirked causing Ryder's mouth to drop open and me to smack him across the head with my gun

"Don't you ever talk about her like that again." Calum's venomous tone caused Ryder to become slightly intimidated.

"Can I just shoot him already?" Zayn asked his hands beginning to tremble with anger

"I'm just speaking the truth, from what you've told me she can't resist the urge to fuck any guy she sees." Jonah said nodding towards me causing Ryder to look at me with pure hated. "And from what I've heard each one of you are her babies fathers. I'm surprised she doesn't have any more." I guess Ryder got fed up because she stood to her feet and kicked a still sitting Jonah in the face causing him to fall back. It didn't take long from him to come back up with a bloody mouth and an annoying smirk on his face.

"Come here." Ashton said holding his hand out for Ryder causing her to raise an eyebrow before shaking her head

"No, you're fucking crazy." I could tell Ashton was getting pissed by the way his body tensed up

"I might be crazy but he's fucking worse, he was the guy who helped kill eliana. So please instead of fighting with me, can you please come over here?" She looked at Jonah with disgust before walking over to Ashton and being pulled behind him for protection.

"Just pull the trigger already." Calum spoke from beside me

"With pleasure."