Your toddler curses(Niall)

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You and Niall were cuddled up in living room on the couch watching a sponge bob with your 4 year old daughter Nikki. You and Niall weren't really paying attention to the show you both were talking about his up coming tour

"So I was wondering if you guys would come with me on tour" Niall told you as he stared into your chocolate eyes

"Shh!" You heard Nikki shush her daddy as she went back to watching her favorite show, you and Niall chuckled at your baby girls actions

"Sorry" Niall whispered to Nikki, she just waved him off and went back to watching the Tv

"Well I don't know Nikki does have school and I have work it wouldn't work out" you told your husband sadly as you stared at your lap, Niall sighed and opened his mouth to speak but was quickly cut off

"SH*T!!" Nikki screamed when she saw that sponge bob had gotten captured by the jelly fish, you and Niall both looked at Nikki with wide eyes

"What?" Niall asked still trying to process what his little innocent baby girl had just said

"Daddy sponge bob got captured weren't you watching?!" Nikki shouted as she threw her arms in the air, you and Niall looked at each other an burst out laughing

"N-no baby girl you s-shouldn't say that it's a bad word" you told Nikki in between laughter, you and Niall were both laughing because Nikki didn't even say the curse word correctly. It was so cute

"Sworry mommy" Nikki apologized as she looked down in her lap ashamed, Niall picked Nikki up and out her in his lap. He kissed her chubby cheeks and said

"No princess it's ok just promise us you won't say that again"

"I pwomise" Nikki told you both as she kissed Niall cheek and yours, you all went back to watching sponge bob. You and Niall occasionally bursting out into laughter just thinking about the way Nikki said her first curse word

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