Just a Simple Love Story

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           I looked out as the last few trees disappeared under the clouds and a dull looking face looks back at me. I turned away from the window to see my best friend Katie putting the rest of her luggage in the small department. She dropped in her seat beside me with a sigh " God this plane sure smell's." She looked at me and saw my grim look and said " Hey, look. I just thought this trip would be a good idea. You needed to get away from home for awhile".

             You see, Katie won tickets to live with this band called one direction for two weeks. She is such a fan girl over them. I'm not really goo goo Ga Ga over them, but i do like their music. She has been trying to cheer me up ever since last year when.... when.. ummm, never mind, i just can't think about that now. The point is she dragged me out to get away from all of my troubled past. I appreciate her trying, but i just can't stop thinking about them. "Jake... JAKE!" screamed Katie. "uhh, what?, sorry." I mumbled. She said " I said the pilot just said it would be 6 hour before we land in London". I nodded my head and mentally patted my self on the back for remembering my neck pillow. "Katie...umm...." I mumbled. "yes Jake?" she said. "thank you" I smiled a little. she nodded and smiled widely. I said " I will try my best to leave all of my problems at home". She said "Okay, well, I know we will have a blast over there. I mean living with one direction for two weeks and living in London, and all that exotic London food".

                I smiled tuning her out. she likes to talk about one direction a lot. I am so glad she can love something so much that it just makes me feel so good. I haven't smiled this much in a long time. I just hope it stays like that for a while. I look back out the window to see just plain clouds. Then a waiter comes and offers us some food and drinks. I order some chicken fingers while Katie orders some tacos.

               We eat for awhile before I ask Katie how long its been and she said it's only been an hour. I sigh and close my eyes. I haven't slept in like two days and i have a full stomach. I start to day dream about how i got here and then before i knew it i drifted off to sleep. 

                I am in a field under a big beautiful tree. I see my mom, dad, brother, and sister. There all sitting there smiling and laughing. They are having a picnic under that tree. The tree looks so familiar, but i can't quite remember it. I run over to my family to see them waving at me to join them. I sit with them and feel so happy and at peace. I look up at the big oak tree and see a carving of a heart. I remember now, this is the tree where my parents first met. I smile when I remember my parents showing me this. They put their initials in the heart. 

              I feel so great just sitting there with them when suddenly I feel sick to my stomach. I close my eyes trying to calm down. Then i open them to see my family looking at me with blood as tears coming out their empty eye sockets. I scream and cry asking what is happening. My mother tells me it was all my fault. My dad is telling me i am a disgrace, My brother telling me that it should have been me. 

            I cry so hard while screaming " I'M SO SORRY!!!!". They shake their heads and look away then disappear. I am alone now, bitterly alone. It is just me and the tree. I stand and slowly put my palm on the heart. Then something touches my back. I turn and see my self. Only I am pale and sick looking. I have no emotion in my eye's at all. My sad self tell's me it's time i pay the price. I said "What are..". I could not even finish my sentence before my horrible self ate me up to internal darkness. 

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