Chapter five

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        James said "So where do you want to stop at first?" I looked away from the window and stared at him. I said "Where ever you'd like to go first". He nodded and kept driving. I looked out the window and seen buildings after buildings. There are some clothes stores here and there. I see a park and what looks like a mall. Finally we park at an ice cream parlor. 

        I looked at James with a questioning look. He said "You look like you need some ice cream". I smiled and eased out the car. We walked in the little ice cream shop and I see a short chubby women that appears to be around twenty years old. Her name tag say's Susie. Susie said "Welcome to Pretty Creations! How may I help you?". James said "Two scoops of chocolate ice cream please. I want it in a waffle cone". James looks at me and asks what I want. I say "Two scoops of cookies and cream and a waffle cone please". Susie smiles and says "Hold on a minute please". 

        James and I walk out the parlor while eating our ice cream. James said "Why don't we walk on the strip for a bit". I said sure and we walk up the road past a lot of stores. We sit on a bench. James says "So whats up? Something is clearly wrong". I look at him and decide I can't keep all of this from everyone forever.  I said "Okay, I'll tell you". I look down at my feet and sigh. I said "My parents and brother are dead". I can't believe I actually said that out loud. I've never accepted the fact they were dead until now. I start to cry. He nods his head for me to continue.

        I said "I was twelve years old when this happened. It was January 14th 2010. I was chosen to sing in my schools winter musical. I was told I had a very good voice. I was so excited that I was the lead in the musical. When I told my family they were so proud. I begged for them to come. My sister promised her friend she would help her out with something. My sister said she would be there as soon as possible. My parents and brother dropped all their plans to come. I stayed after school to help set up. I waited as long as I could for my parents and brother. I was disappointed they haven't showed yet. It was finally time for my big performance. I still did not see them. I went through the whole play without seeing them. By the time it was over everyone already started leaving. I was so worried. I waited for an hour. I called and called their phones, but no one answered. I saw two men dressed in suits walk in. They were asking the few people left where someone is. The kids pointed at me and then the men walked over". 

          "The bald man asked if my name is Jake Wilson. I said yes and asked why. The younger looking one with short brown hair sighed and said he was so terribly sorry he had to say this. He said we are sorry to inform you that your parents and brother are dead. They died in a car accident on the way here. Your brother survived the impact, but quickly died on the way to the hospital. I didn't know how to react. I didn't cry or shed any tear at all. I just stood there with no emotion. I asked about my sister and they said other cops were on the way to inform her. They told me I was supposed to be taken to the hospital and confirm it was them. They said my sister should be on the way there now".

          I looked in James's eyes and cried some more. He said "You don't have to continue". I said "I felt guilty ever sense. My sister kept telling me it wasn't my fault. I just couldn't stop feeling this way. I went to therapy, but none of them helped me. My sister took custody of me. She was nineteen when it happened. She tried her best to take care of me. I wouldn't eat or sleep for days on end. Eventually word got around school about my family. Every where I went I heard so many rumors. Kids would say things like "He's the reason his parents and brother died" or "It should have been that faggot instead of his brother". The only person who would be kind to me was Katie. She would threaten to beat anyone who messed with me". 

       "I just couldn't take it any more, so I switched schools. Katie did the same of course. My sister offered to move away, but I knew it wouldn't matter how far I move away, It would still haunt me. My sister only had one job, but my parents inssurence left us enough money for a few years. She cries every night when she thinks i'm sleeping. Katie won these tickets to stay with one direction for two weeks trying to help me, but so far it's not doing such a good job".

       I sighed and stood up. I said "We should go now". James said "Yeah, it's getting pretty late, Thank you for sharing that with me. I can't imagine how hard that must have been. I lost my wife five years ago and I still think of her. I want you to know that none of that was your fault. It was the car that hit your family, not you! Just remember that". I smiled a little and walked with him to the limo. I walked in and sat down. I knew their was going to be a lot of explaining to do, but I'm so tired. My eyes are red and itching from crying so much. The thought of seeing Zayn again made me feel better some how. I don't know how to explain it. I hope i'm not liking him. The last thing he needs is a crazy person like me. That was the last thought I had before I fell asleep in the car. 

       I woke up to the sound of a door slamming. I see Katie storming out side like her head was about to explode. I'm actually a little scared. She thrust the car door open and just when I think she was about to scream she pulled me out and squeezed the air out of me. I beg for her to let me breath. She lets me go then slaps me across the head. Not hard, but enough to hurt. I yell ow, but I know I probably deserved it. Katie screams "What the hell were you thinking? We were so worried about you. I almost called the cops, because you would not answer your phone".

       I said "I'm sorry, but can I explain later? I'm really exhausted and want to rest". She said "Okay, but first thing in the morning you will explain to me what happened". I nod my head and ask "Where's Zayn and the rest?" Katie said "Their not back from the cancer center. I stayed so I could wait for you. Although Zayn is still here. He didn't want to leave and you return before he get's back. He is in your room waiting on you. He wouldn't tell what happen between you two". I walked up the stairs and said "Thanks Katie, Goodnight". I walk up to my door and sigh knowing this was going to be very hard. 

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