Chapter fifthteen

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          I look over at a corner and see a couple making out. Ewww, now I know why I don't like going to clubs. I notice a group smoking something. What ever it is, it can't be good. I look over at Harry. HE'S GONE! Ughh, why did he even come along if he was just going to leave. He told me we'd be sticking together. I'll just have to find him later. I start to look around. Which was a mistake, because I bumped into some girl. She turns to me and starts to giggle. I can smell the reek of alcohol in her breath. Before I could react she practically jumps all over me.

        She says "Hey hot stuff. Are you looking for a good time?". I try pushing her off, but she just won't budge. Then suddenly she is yanked off of me. I look over and see that a boy grabbed her and pulled her off. He says "Chill out Emily, your drunk and he is obviously not into you. Go find your friend and go home". He said it in such a stern voice. She rolled her eyes and walked away or more like stumbled away. I looked at the boy and I say "Thank you, I thought she was going to rip my clothes off and rape me where i'm standing". He flashed me a smile and says "No problem, she's always like that. I'm Matt by the way". He reaches out  his hand for a handshake. I shake his hand and say "I'm Jake, Nice to meet you".

          He gives me a curious look and says "Your not from around here, are you?". I say "No, i'm from California in the United States". He nods his head and says "Well let me be the first to welcome you to club Eternity". I flash a smile and say "Thank you, but I really should be on my way, i'm here to look for something". I try to walk away, but he grabs my shoulder. He says "What are you looking for?". I give him an irritated look. I say "I don't really know actually". I blush at my confusion. He gives me an odd look and says "Well why you think about what your here for. You should come along with me. I'll take you to the VIP section". I can't think of anyway to get out of this. So I have no choice but to go with him.

           He nods for me to follow him. So I follow him through a crowd of dancing teens. I follow Matt to a door. He gives it a knock and we wait. Some one cracks the door and says "Password". I give Matt a questioning look. He whispers "Yellow Rose". I gasp. Crap, I did that out loud. He didn't seem to hear me tho. The man opens the door and lets us in. Matt looks over at me and gives me a sly smile. I give him a slight smile. We descend up a set of stairs. The strange man closes the door we just walked through. I guess he is another bouncer. We come across a door made of steel. It's painted black. I can smell fish too.

          Matt smirks at me and opens the door. We walk in to see a couple of people sitting on a couch and some chairs. There is a huge fish tank on the side of the room where the couch and two chairs are faced at. There are three girls and two guys. They look over at us and one of the guys yell "Ayyy, What's up Matt? Got a new friend with you?". I blush from everyone staring at me. Matt grabs my arm and pulls me with him. He pulls me down on the couch to sit right next to me. He says "I'm doing fine guy's. This here is Jake. I found him practically getting raped by a girl, so I saved him". I blush again at the thought of having a stranger save me. 

           They all say hey and give me their names. I just smile and say hey back, Knowing I would forget their names in the next hour. As they start talking I notice something on the coffee table in front of the couch. It's a letter. A letter addressed to Zayn. I can feel my eyes widen. Matt notices my fixed expression. He gives me a concern look and says "Hey, What's wrong?". He looks down at the letter and says "Oh, that. It's nothing". I turn to him and say "What is that?". He sighs and says "It's a letter addressed to Zayn from One direction. We have another person part of the VIP section that sends him all kinds of stuff like that". I notice a little sign on the letter. It's a pair of eyes. Just two plain eyes. But it creeps me out. 

         I look at Matt and say "Who sends these to him?". Matt gives me a funny look. He says "We're not aloud to tell. Besides, why should you care?". I feel a vibrate in my pockets. I take my phone out and see a text message from Harry. It reads in all caps "WE NEED TO LEAVE RIGHT NOW!!!". I sigh. What has he gotten into now. Matt notices my gloomy expression. He says "What's going on with you?". I don't know where I got the courage, but I did. I jump up and grab the letter. Then I make a run for it. I hear everyone screaming at me to stop. I run pass the bouncer before he realizes what's happening. 

        I run through the crowd trying to lose them. I run to the exit door. I turn around to see how close they are. There almost here! I run out and see Harry leaning against the car. He has different clothes on and his hair is really messed up. He see's me and jumps in the car. I do same when I reach the car. I yell "HURRY UP!!!". He starts the car and we drive away. I look back to see Matt just making it out the club. I make a huge sigh of relief. I turn to Harry and I say "What the hell happened?". He turns to me and says "I could say the same about you". I stuff the letter in my pocket and I give him an evil glare. He sighs.

        He says "I thought it would be easier to find information if we splited up. But then this girl starts to flirt with me. And let me tell you. She was smokin hot". I groan. Of course. Typical. He says "So I start to flirt back. Then she takes my sunglasses and hat off. She starts to scream when she realizes i'm Harry Styles. Then all of a sudden all these girls start to go crazy. So I run in the bathroom and pay a fellow dude to change clothes with me so I could sneak back out. Poor dude. The moment he walked out. He was covered with girls". I give him a strange look. I say "Why would you say poor dude?". He gives me a smirk and says "Because, I think he was gay". I bust out laughing at that comment.

        I say "Well that's what you get for ditching me and getting charmed by some stranger". He laughs and says "Did I mention she was hot". I giggle. I say "Well while you were hitting it up with some girl, I found some information". I pull out the letter and hand it to him. We park in the driveway at the house. Harry grabs the letter and bites his bottom lip. He definitely knows about the threat letters. He says "Where did you find this?". I say "I found it in the VIP section on the club". He gives me a look of shock. He says "How did you get in the VIP section?". I say "That doesn't matter. What matters is, What do you know about the letter's?". 

         He gives me a grave expression. He says "It started about two months ago. We thought that it was just normal threat mail. We always get some letters mixed with fan mail. But this is different. We never had threat mail that came from the same person longer then a few days. On every letter their were a set of eyes on them. All the letters were sent specifically to Zayn. So Zayn would scratch out the eyes on every letter he got from whoever sent them". I look at my feet. I say "Well who ever it is has been sending them and writing them at that club". He nods his head and says "Zayn doesn't like to talk about them. He just ignores them. But the rest of us can tell it's affecting him".

       I frown and open the door. I say "You can read what it says, but please don't tell me. I don't want to know". Harry nods his head and says "Zayn has gotten better since you've been here. He smiles and laughs a lot more. He is really into you, You know that. Right?". I give him a shock expression. He smiles and says "It's fine. We all know you and Zayn have a thing going on. After the incident at the restaurant Zayn went crazy. And the way his eyes light up when he see's you. Thank you for helping him". I give him a woeful look. I say "We're not together. I told him I can't be with someone that's a celebrity, because it would ruin him if he was dating a guy". 

         Harry gives me a sullen look. He says "I know it's not my place, but if someone likes you, then obviously they know the consequences of being with you. And if their willing to still try and be with you, then that is true love at it's best. To love someone for their flaws and still knowing the consequences it will bring to his or her life. I'm not telling you what to do, but that's just how I see it". Then just like that he walks in the house. I force my self not to cry. I get out and walk to the house. 

        I silently walk up the steps to my bedroom. I walk pass Zayn's room and stop. I stand here for what feels like hours, but really thirty seconds. I force myself to keep walking. I know Harry is right. But i'm right too. I'm not letting someone get hurt because of me. I open my door and walk in. I walk to the bed and sit down. I notice a little envelope on my dresser. It reads "Stop trying to find out who I am and stay away from Zayn, or else". I quickly crumple the envelope and throw it in the wastebasket. No, I'm not going to stop. If I can't be with Zayn. Then I will stop who ever this is. I'll stop who ever you are, no matter what. 

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