Chapter two

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          "JAKE!!!!!!" screamed Katie as I was violently shaking and crying. She said "It's okay now, I got you. Its all right." I started to calm down and noticed people staring at me. Some kids were taking a video of it and laughing. An elderly woman scolded them and forced them off the plane. A stewardess came and asked if she should call the hospital. I said " no... *gasping*...i'm...fine.. I just want... to get off this plane." The stewardess nodded her head and helped everyone who was left to get off the plane.

             Katie helped with my luggage and we walked into the airport. People were staring at me so I started blushing. I knew I had to look like a mess. My short blond hair is messy and I have dried tear streaks on my face. Katie said " Are you all right? do you want to talk about it?" I said " I'm fine. It was nothing, just a bad dream." she looked so sad because I did not tell her what was wrong.

                Katie said " well were finally here. It looks so beautiful at night! I wonder what time it is?." She was right, it was very beautiful. There were so many buildings, lights, and people every where. Katie said " So I guess we should look for our limo driver. Ahhh, there he is!" We walked up to a mid 30's looking type guy with a bald head.

             He said " I'm guessing you two are Katie and Jake?" Katie said " why yes we are! Its very nice to meet you!"  He said " you too miss. My name is James Parker and i will be your guide for these next two weeks". He smiled warmly and offered to take our luggage. Katie and I walked to the limo as James put our luggage away. Katie said "OMG!!!!! It is an actual limo. I am going to love this so much." I smiled and thought that it was pretty cool. 

            James got in the limo and said "It's pretty late so we should head straight to One directions house. Tomorrow I will show you around town. It really is an amazing sight." Katie said " How far are we from their house?" James said " Only about ten minute's." I looked out the window and katie put her arm around me while she talked about how much she can't wait to see them. 

              We finally arrived and James grabbed our luggage and unlocked the door. Katie ran right in as fast as she could. I laughed knowing she will get on their everlasting nerves. I walked in to see five guys sitting at a table with a big cake that said "welcome" on it with frosting. Katie screamed and ran to hug all of them. I said "sorry about that, she just get's a little hyper when she is sleepy." They laughed and one of them said they are used to it. I think his name was Liam, but i am not sure. Katie is the one that knows all these things.

               A blond boy with an Irish accent shook my hand and said his name is Niall, followed by Liam, Harry, Louis, and.... one of the cutest guy's I ever seen. He had such pretty eyes. He said his name was Zayn. I smiled and shook his hand. Harry said " Finally we can eat this delicious looking cake!" Katie asked what flavor it is. Harry said " it is chocolate with whipcream frosting." Zayn offered me a plate and I blushed and said sure. 

              Later everyone said they were tired and that we have a long day tomorrow. I agreed and told them thank you for doing this for us. They said no problem and told James to show us our rooms. James walked us up some stairs and said " This is your room Katie, I hope you have a goodnight." Katie smiled and said " Thank you James." Then looked at me and gave me a huge hug and kissed me on the cheek. Then she went to bed.

          James said " He can be a real charmer you know." I looked at him wondering what he was talking about. James said " I saw the way you looked at Zayn. I think it's sweet." I blushed and said "  I don't know what you mean. I am not looking for a relationship and I haven't for a long time." He nodded his head and showed me my room. Before James left I said " How did you know I was gay?" James said " Because I used to look that away at my wife when we were young." I smiled and said goodnight. When my head hit the pillow I fell right to sleep.

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