Chapter seventeen

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          The plane ride home felt like weeks. Aria could tell I wasn't in the mood to talk. So neither one of us said anything. Katie tried to get me to stay. She said "If you leave then so am I!". I convinced her it would be best for her to stay tho. The look on her face was heart wrenching. I hate that I left her, but I had to get out of there. Zayn was too scared to look at me. I guess under the circumstances I can understand that. Harry tried to get me to stay too. He tried to get me to stay for the concert at least. 

         I feel horrible for Aria. She had to fly all the way over to London and only be there for about three hours. Then fly back to the United States. She has been giving me the look like I did something wrong and it's not to late to fix it. I didn't know what to say to her on the fly back, so we just sat there in silence. All this stress can not be good for the baby. 

        We're home now. I grab my luggage from the trunk of the taxi and walk in the house. I see Mike sitting on the couch watching TV. Mike says "Hey buddy! How you doing?". I fake a smile and say "I've been better". Once he notices Aria he jumps off the couch and gives her a hug and kiss on the cheek. Aria says "Hey babe... sorry it took so long". I slightly smile at the two of them together. Then I feel a little sting in my stomach. I pick my bag back up and walk to my room. I open the door to see my bed. I drop my bag is fall on the mattress.Sigh. I'm so glad to be back home. I feel better here. It's less complicated. 

         I get up and unzip my bag. I pull all my clothes and utensils out. I pull my box filled with scrapbooks and pictures out. I reach down to open it, but someone opens the door before I could open it. Aria looks at me and smiles. She says "Matt ordered some pizza, so be ready to come down when your done putting everything away". I nod my head and say "Thanks". She walk out. There is something different about her. I don't know what, but somethings going on. Oh well, when she is ready she'll tell me.

                                                                      *30 minutes later*

            I grab a third slice of pepperoni pizza. Matt says "Maybe I should have ordered another one". I laugh and say "The food on the plane wasn't too appetizing". Matt is like a brother to me. I'm glad he met Aria. I hope they stay together for a very long time. Aria says "Jake? Would you like to go some where with me tomorrow morning?". I give her a strange look. I say "umm, sure... Where?". She gives me a little smile and says "It's a surprise". Oh god. I hope it's not a bad one. Gosh, I hate surprises. I mean, you never know whats going to happen to you. I guess I can't do anything about it but go. 

                                                            *Inside car on way to the surprise*

        I can't believe she blind folded me. Actually I can't believe I let her. I'm really scared. She hasn't done anything like this. She knows I hate surprises. She seems a little stressed this morning. I can tell what ever she wants to tell me. It won't be good. I say "Are we there yet?". This is only the forth time I asked her. She giggles and says "Yeah, we're here. You can take your blind fold off now". I reach my hand up and pull the blindfold off my eyes. I look around. Where are we? It appears to be a meadow. I see grass and flowers every where. 

       Wait. I see it. I know where we're at. I see the tree. The tree that is always in my dreams. The tree mom and dad met. The tree where they got married. I smile as I stare at the beautiful tree. It is filled with bright green leaves. Which give off a big shadow underneath. I turn to Aria. I say "Why are we here?". She looks down and says "There is something I need to tell you". Before I can ask what, she opens her door and walks out. I do the same. She reaches in the trunk and pulls out the box of scrapbooks and pictures. Then she hands me a blanket. I follow her to the tree and lay the blanket down.

      She sits down. So I do the same. I say "Whats going on? I'm really worried. Is it the baby?". She looks right into my eyes. There are tears streaming down her cheeks. She shakes her head and says "No, it's not the baby". I sigh and say "Okay, then what is it?". She says, barely above a whisper "Jake... I love you... no matter will always be my brother". Okay. I'm terrified now. I wipe her tears away. I say "Aria, I love you too. I know I will always be your brother like you will always be my sister". She smiles slightly. She says "Jake..... Your adopted".

         I just stare at her. This can't be true. This can NOT be true. She can tell I'm not going to say anything, so she continues. She says "When you were only two years old your house caught on fire. You had a older sister and two loving parents. Your parents died saving you. The roof caved in and your mother and father crouched over you and took the hit. It killed them instantly. By the time the firefighters got there. You were dead. You were dead for around two minutes, But some how they were able to bring you back to life. When the fire burned out, they went searching for bodies and valuables that may have survived. They only found two bodies. Which of course is your parents. Your sisters body was never found. The whole town went searching for her, but no one could find her. She was pronounced dead".

          I don't know what to say. I don't want to believe her, but she would never joke about something like this. I could have another sister. Wait. No. I'm the reason not only one set of parents died, but two. This can't be happening. Why is this happening? But they died because they loved me. They lost their lives, so I could have one. And if I keep blaming myself on everything bad that happens in my life, then It's like they wasted their lives for nothing. I can't keep doing this to myself if not for me, then for them. I need to live my life to make me and everyone else I love happy. If I don't, then both my parents lives and brothers life means nothing. I say "Thank you Aria. Thanks for telling me this".

     She looks up at me as if I lost my mind. She says "What do you mean? I thought you would be furious". I hug her and say "This dosen't change us. Your still my sister. Forever and always". She starts to burst out crying. I squeeze her even tighter, but not enough to hurt the baby. She grabs the box and opens it. Then she pulls out a picture of a girl who looks a little younger then me. She looks just like me. Aria says "This is your biological sister. She was twelve when the fire happened". She has the same eyes as me. I smile. She is so beautiful, like you". Aria smiles and says "I left my phone in the car. I'll be right back".

       As she gets up to leave, I grab the box. I open it and look through it. I see a wedding photo of mom and dad getting married at this tree. I look up at the base of the tree and see the heart with mom and dads initials carved in it. I smile. They really loved each other. I pull out a scrapbook when a picture with a note attached to it fell out. I picked it up and read the note. It read "I thought you needed alittle help"-anonymous. I flip the note over and see a photo of Niall. Why would I get a photo of Niall and how would this help? I look closer. He is sitting on a couch. I see a fish tank in the backround. Wait. Is that...eyes on Niall's arm. It is te same eyes as the ones on the threat letters. Niall is going to kill Zayn.

Just a Simple Love Story (One direction Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin