Jinhoo Up10tion

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my heart hurt. I'm so tired after crying about 2 hours. Bad guy. Aniyo... This is my fault too.

I sat on the sit. There's only 2 costumers here. Good.

"Ajumma... two bottle soju please... ani... three bottle" I said.

Ajumma quickly brought 3 bottle of soju. my mind is empty right now. I just drink the soju.

after couple of hours. It's already five bottle of soju I drank.

Jinhoo POV

"hyung, palli! where are you? I saw y/n was drunk now."

"mwo?! eodi?" "araseo... I will be there ... gumawo wooshin-ah" I quickly get out from the house.

I walk into a shop and saw y/n are drunk so bad. There's five bottle of soju on the table. I walk to her. "y/n-ah... what are you doing?!"

"go away... let me stay here... leave me..." She said that?! Haish! this girl!

"yah.. if that so... tell me ... what's wrong?"

"He reject me... I'm so stupid... Yah... is it all guy is same?" She said. That guy seriously reject her? pabo namja! I pat her back.

"not all of them..." I said. "shut up! I already said go away!" She slaped me. She really do it! it's hurt... I just let a sigh. I grab her hand and stand up.


"I said I don't want!"

"Yah! y/n listen to me!"

I drag her out of the shop. "yahh! jinhoo!" I just ignored her and ush her to the wall.

"can you just forget him? yah... I'm your friend... Is it hard to you to listen to me?!" She look so shocked. "Mianhae... jinhoo..." Half awake she said it. "so please... let's go... stop being stubborn.."

"Jinhoo... "


"did you have feel the same like me before?"


She just noded and continue our way to house. I just being her back to my house.

"I'm back" I open the door while carry y/n on my back. She really sleepy and fall asleep.

"jinhoo hyung... what's wrong with her?" Wei comes to me.

"she... just tired. please let her sleep here for a night? and is it all of them already sleep?" I said.

Wei noded " araseo... nae... all of them fall asleep but there's only me and kogyeol is waiting for you.

"gumawoo... wei ... kogyeol" I smile to wei and kogyeol who is sitting on the couch while heard to me.

I walk into my bedroom who I shared with the others. I drop her on my bed. She really asleep. Even she is full of soju's smell she still look cute.

Kuhn POV

"aigooo! I'm so tired..it's already morning." I took the towel and get into the bathroom.

after 30 minutes I'm back to the bedroom.

"jinhoo... where you're going last night? and why you sleep beside me?" I ask him. He look more tired than me.

"eo? kuhn-ah... last night... I will tell you later." He said.

"who's that?" I point my finger to his bed. "y/n.."

"mwo?!! you brought a girl in our house?"

"yah... She is so tired... please understand"


"just today"

I just let a sigh. "araseo..."

"gumawo kuhn-ah!" His face turn bright. I just replied with a smile.

I walk out from the bedroom and go to the living room.

Jinhoo POV

I just waiting for her to awake. slowly she open her eyes and wip it.


I quickly sat beside her. "nae...wae?" She slowly sat from lying on the bed. "jinhoo... I didn't really remember about last night but..." She hug me tight. I'm so shocked. "Jinhoo... I'm so sorry... and thank you".

I just hug her back. "y/n ... what's wrong? It's okay..." I said tried to make she feel better.

"is it last night I tell you about he reject me?" I noded.

"yah... just forget him okay?" She pulled the hug. "araseo... jinhoo... I need to go back home now"

"hurmmm... okay... "

Both of us walk out from the house. All of them just stared at us.

We just stand out of the house and don't know what to say.

"g..goodbye..." She break the silent.

"wait! did you remember what day is today?"

She shook her head.

"yahh... it's your saengil...~~" I said and smile ear to ear to cheer up her feeling.

She chuckle and smile "eung... ~"

"do you want present?" She noded like a kid.

"sure... I will give it now! close your eyes"

"why??" she pouted.

"aigoo~ just close your eyes." She quickly close her eyes. Yes! it's the time! I press my lips to her lips and hug her tight.

I pulled the kiss but still hug her.

"jinhoo...." her eyes like gonna pop out.

"do you like the present?" I'm worried.

Suddenly she chuckle again. why? "jinhoo.. your ears"

"what? why?"

"it's turn red" I just smirked. "your cheecks too." "mwo?" She quickly cover her cheeks using her hand.

"by the way... gumawo for take care of me today and that present..." She noded shyly.

"glad you like it... because I love you more..." I stopped when she kiss my cheek. I'm froze.

"that's for the answer for yes..." She said.

"come here...~" she close to me and I hug her once again.

"Look like jinhoo hyung like to hug her."

I stopped hug her and look at the where yhe voice come. i..it's Hwanhee and the other.


"runnn!" kuhn shouted and all of them ran.

"yahh! I will catch all of you!!"

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