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By Joona Irene

~~Lilac POV~~

     Today I decided I would spend some time wandering the streets and listening to people again. You never know what kind of crazy things people say when they think they are alone. I was quiet, and hid in very plain sight. Sometimes I'd sit on a bench and flip through a blank book (Which I constructed myself for situations just like this),  or maybe I would just pretend to be intrigued by a very colorful and glittery poster for a party, which was tomorrow. I wouldn't go, parties wern't my thing. But I gazed at it nonetheless, and listened to the people walking behind me. I learned a lot of new things, and when the street lamps started to turn on I left main street to go back to my tree. I haven't been in my tree all day and I was looking forward to the solitude.
      The first thing I noticed was the branch. My usual branch, the one I sat on and rested on. It was torn, cut away in places. A place. THE place. The place where I had wedged my actual mirror shard in, the one place I thought it might be safe from people. Nobody would have been able to just take out out, they would have had to cut away at the branch...and they did. Some body stole my mirror.
     My mirror...
It was the first time I had ever seen what I really was. Ages, eons ago, shortly after my birth, I was brought to the mirror. I remembered I'd been scared at what I saw. A thin, black, shiny creature with huge almond-shaped blue glowing eyes and soft, short white hair stared back. Then I had seen the blood stains on its hands, and it wasn't until I had broken and shattered the mirror did I realise I had seen myself. That had been the very first time I had ever felt fear. Back in those days I didn't have to hide. I was invincible. Then I learned better than to use my abilities. But I always kept the mirror piece so I wouldn't forget what I saw, what I didn't want to be.
     Now it was gone. Somebody took it. But who? It couldn't have been a random tree climber, there was no motive. I angrily gripped the branch, realising only one person knew about my treasure. Only one person could have known where to go looking for the real thing.
     "Dipper." I spat. I angrily tightened my grip on the branch, staring at the place it used to be. My treasure, the one item I kept during my exsistance, my one luxury...and he just took it. Why? I wondered, What reason could you have? I trusted you, I told you things, I showed you things Dipper. I...I...
In fury I tore the branch apart, and when I fell I just grabbed onto another one. I hugged the new branch tightly, rage spreading through me like fire through dry grass. I had to get it back. And once I did I would leave this place. Maybe I would punch Dipper in the face, knock a tooth loose to make myself feel better. But one thing was certain: I would never trust Dipper again.

     I stayed in the tree and tried to calm down. As much as I hated Dipper, the last time I got this angry I leveled a town. If I wanted to leave this place of liars then I couldn't do anything like that, even though I had every right, every ability to do so, I could leap down and get started this very moment if I wanted...
See, there I go again. I took a deep breath for fun, enjoying the cool air inside me. It was starting to get light out but I was still furious. I gripped the branch tighter and held onto it like my exsistance depended on it. I noticed time was moving slowly, too slowly. I shut my eyes and focused on calming thought. I have to be equal. I have to be equal. I have to be equal, I though to myself. If I'm not equal then they will notice, and they'll remember. Nobody can remember me. I have to be like them, equal, the same. Then I can blend and they won't see, and won't remember. I have to be equal...
      It was night when I was calm enough to go find Dipper. I recalled that there was a party, at the Mystery Shack no less. Bingo, that's where he'll be. I climbed down and headed over there. It was a party, I hated parties. But I was going to get back my mirror from Dipper, and then I wouldn't have to endure another party for a long, long time. As I got in line I remembered to keep breathing and blinking. I was grateful I didn't eat anything all day, because too much energy at a party could lead to a mistake or something. Then I'd never get to leave.
      "Lilac!" Wendy said as I approached to buy a ticket. "Glad you could make it! Man, haven't seen you in a while. How's it going?" I smiled and handed her some money.
      "Fantastic." I lied. "How about you?"
      "Oh, I'm stuck on ticket duty. I want to be inside, but...well, I have to do my job sometimes right?" She grinned and handed me my ticket. "Hopefully I'll join you soon!"
      "Hopefully." I nodded. I went inside to be greeted by colorful lights and loud music. People were everywhere dancing, talking, laughing and eating. I spotted Soos on some kind of stage at what appeared to be a musical instrument, with headphones on. Mabel was everywhere, but I couldn't find Dipper. I took a couple of steps and was a bit overwhelmed with all the different colors, of both the party lights and decorations, and the people's auras. Everything started to blend together as the music got faster and the auras and noise and colors began swimming before my eyes. I blinked and hurried over to a wall, then pressed my back to it. I took a deep, deep breath. Just find Dipper so you can get the mirror and be out of here. I told myself. Just find Dipper... I approached Mabel. I figured if anybody knew where Dipper was, it would be his twin sister right?
      "Hey Mabel!" I said cheerfully.
      "Lilac!" Mabel exclaimed, trapping me in a hug. "I'm so glad you came! Now all of my friends are here!" She looked over her shoulder. "Girls!" she yelled over the noise of the everything. "Lilac's here!"
      Suddenly Grenda and Candy were in front of me.
      "Hey girl!" Grenda said.
      "It is nice to see you again." Candy said, adjusting her glasses.
      "Yeah, nice to see you guys." I said kindly. I turned to Mabel. "Have you seen Dipper?" I asked her.
      Ooh!" Grenda made a weird sound. "I'm calling it right NOW!"
      "Uh, what?" I asked, confused.
      "You like Dipper, don't you?" Candy asked, poking my shoulder. Mabel looked a bit concerned.
     "No." I said shortly. "I just want to talk to him."
    "He's upstairs." Mabel said, pointing. When I left they all started whispering and giggling. I didn't think about it too much. Chances were I wasn't going to see them again after I got my mirror back. I would leave as soon as I could. I headed up the stairs, somehow the thick beat of the music could still be heard through the floor. In the hallway I saw Dipper coming out of his room. I took another breath and approached him.
      "Oh! Lilac!" Dipper exclaimed, looking nervous. "What a surprise seeing you here. Wow, so glad you could come...what a surprise." He repeated. He coughed and before I could say anything he grabbed my hand.
     "Lilac there's something I have to tell you." He said, not looking at me. Was he going to confess? Could he...could he be apologizing? I waited for him to go on. He took a deep breath and spoke again.
      "I...I took your mirror." He said. "And I only did it because I had so many questions about you, I still do. I didn't want you to hide anything from me, but yesterday I realised I was hiding something from you." He gently led me into his room. He closed the door behind me and took out that journal he carries everywhere. "Do you remember when I asked you about somebody named Bill Cipher?"
     "Yes," I said, wondering where he was going with this.
     "Well, he's after you. He keeps talking about you and how important you are, and it makes me think he's going to hurt you." Dipper flipped to a page that had a black triangle with an eye in the middle and pyramid brickes towards the bottom. Next to it was the name Bill Cipher. There was a huge paragraph that was written but crossed out in red ink and a bunch of other scribbled stuff. It was a perfect isosceles triangle, I noticed. Wait a minute... 
     "And the thing is," Dipper continued, interrupting my thought, "I want to give you back your mirror." he reached back under his bed and pulled out my mirror, my real mrror. I took it carefully and held it close.
    "Dipper," I said, "thank you. But, I am going to need the other one too."
    "W-what?" he asked. "But-"
    "Dipper," I stopped him. "I gave you my trust. As much as you wanted to know, I couldn't tell you everything at once could I? You would have learned everything eventually. I could have been there for you for all eternity. But you decided you couldn't wait. You couldn't be patient with me, you couldn't underdtand. So you stole from me. You STOLE Dipper! How can I ever trust you again? I already told you that my mirror shard is my most valued thing. It's precious to me. I gave you a simple decoy because it was a test. And you didn't pass. You couldn't handle having just a piece, you had to know everything at once. You didn't trust me. So I can't trust you, not anymore. I'm done, Dipper. Please give my decoy so I can end this."
Dipper looked like he might cry.
      "'re right." He mumbled. "I guess I failed you twice."
      "Twice?" I questioned. "Dipper, what did you do?"
      "Bill came to me in a dream." He said, his tone heavy with guilt. "And he forced me to give him the...well...he took the mirror shard, the fake one." He smiled a little. "At least he didn't get what he was looking for, right?"
     "YOU WHAT?" I screamed. I saw the floating triangle aura come into the room, as if it'd been waiting for me to scream those very words. I paid it no mind, focusing on the disaster at hand.
     "What, is that bad?" Dipper asked. "He didn't get your mirror piece! How is that not good?"
     "It''s bad," I hissed, trying to contain my newly kindled fury, "Because now a demon has me!"
      "" Dipper asked, clearly confused. I balled both my hands into fists, speaking through tightly clenched teeth.
      "That decoy," I muttered angrily, "it is made of me. I'm made of pieces, remember? I can turn into anything because I can mimic anything.  So, to protect my real mirror, I took a piece of me and detached it from myself. I made it look like the mirror and hid it in an obvious place, while putting the real mirror in a much more discrete hiding spot. That's why it didn't cut you the way broken glass should- because it wasn't broken glass."
     "Oh..." Dipper said, understanding.
     "But now, thanks to you, some entity has it!" I didn't try to contain my anger any longer. "Don't you think about what your actions could spiral into? Now you're ALL in trouble! Now I'M in trouble! NOBODY, NOTHING, IS SUPPOSED TO EVER, EVER HAVE ME! I...I...Not even the SMALLEST piece! It could ruin me...and ruin you. You've sent me to doom, Dipper. I hate you!" I screamed. Dipper was crying now, silently, his eyes wide and watery.
     "I...I didn't know..." he choked out. I narrowed my eyes, and looked up suddenly to see the triangular aura drop down into Dipper's head. Dipper's eyes flashed blue before they closed, as if he was alseep on his feet. I was still furious, but concern ran through me quickly like a swift breeze.
     "Dipper?" I asked, going over to him. "You...are you really sleeping?" I shook him, my anger dying down from a rolling boil to a low simmer. "C'mon, wake up. Wake...up..." thankful for the valid excuse I slapped his face, hard. His eyes stayed closed. "Humans are supposed to wake up when you slap them." I said to myself, really worried now. I gasped when I saw Dipper's aura start to get pulled away from his body, until Dipper's ghost was completely away from his body. I felt fear grow inside me, thinking I'd killed him. But then I saw another aura take the place of Dipper's.
      This new aura had the exact same colors as the floating triangle that I've been seeing. And it was in Dipper's body, while Dipper's ghost...mind...consciousness was floating above my head. I stepped away from Dipper's body, startled, scared, putting pieces together. What ghost was perfectly trianglular? Only a ghost could possess another person's body, right? I glanced down at the journal as Dipper's body's new host started to wake up. I saw on the page that Bill Cipher was a dream demon. A demon of the mind. Was this thing, then, Bill Cipher?
      Possibly Bill opened Dipper's eyes, blinking, slowly, one eye at a time. When it looked at me it gave me the most dazzling smile Dipper's face was capable of making. Happy and accomplished all at once.
     "Nice to finally meet you Lilac Whites!" Kind-of-Dipper said. It stuck out a hand, offering a shake. "The name's Bill Cipher."

The new girl in Gravity Falls; by Joona IreneWhere stories live. Discover now