The beginnings

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By Joona Irene

~~still Lilac POV~~

      I stared at him, stunned at what I had said.
     "A Bluekin huh?" Bipper chuckled. "I only wish I knew what that was. Could you explain that to me? What exactly is a Bluekin?"
     "I-I...I" I stuttered, not knowing what to say. Was it too late? Was it even worth hiding anymore?
     "Oh, come on, you can tell me!" Bipper pleaded. "What does it take? I've tried to be nice to you. I don't want you to hide either, I want you to be yourself. And I want to be your friend. What more can I say?"
      "'s just...I don't...I-I"
      "Lilac, please. Tell me what a Bluekin is. Tell me what you are."
The streets were empty now. It seemed every one was getting ready to eat dinner, or at home. The sun was low in the sky but not enough for a colorful display. Was it that stupid sensation? I had been fighting it for years, and now Bipper was egging me on. I needed to get away from this. The day was almost over anyways. I backed away and started to walk back into the woods. Bipper reached out and grabbed my hand and tried to pull me back.
      "Lilac." I didn't turn to look at him, but the bond was creeping it's way up my skin. "Lilac, why don't you want to be friends? Why won't you tell me who you are?"
       "You already know." I muttered. "You've been watching me long enough, you should know."
      "True, but not before you came here." Bipper pointed out. "I'm more concerned with your history. HOW you came to be. I want to know what you've seen before you came here, what you've done, why you are the way you are. You know?"
     "It's long." I warned. "And it isn't a happy story either. Nothing good ever happens."
      "Tell me." Bipper urged, turning me to face him. "If you're pressed for time, summarize. But please tell me everything. Start at the beginning."
       "" I gave in. Stupid bond. We walked over to a bench and sat down.
       "Okay, like I said, it's really, really long." I said, still a bit hesitant. "You sure you want to know everything?" I asked.
       "Yes." Bipper eagerly said. 

I was created on the planet Bayllo in dimension twenty eight. Not born, like an animal, but created much like a wrench or a pencil. My creator was also my "Father", though nothing about him was fatherly. He was a magician, a chemist, a sorcerer. He and his kind had been enslaved by the far distant planet Earth, by human kings. As an act of revenge, he stole the youngest daughter of one of the Kings and freed his people. Shortly after they arrived back home, my Father wanted to rule over his people, to help establish the old order that had been destroyed by the many years of enslavement. To do this he needed others to help him, to unite the scattered people. But nobody would help him. They wanted someone else to rule them. So my father turned to the little girl he'd kidnaped, and, using her soul, created me. I helped unite the scattered people with violent acts of dominance so they'd obey my creator.
So you see my original design was to obey the King. Whenever a person saw me comming, they would declare that the blue eyes of the King had come. Over time this was shortened to the Blue King, and then furthered shortened to Bluekin.
Eventually, since my creator had used a young, rebellious human soul, I was compelled to stop my slaughter of people who didn't obey my creator. I let them go, and build a resistance. Over time he found out, and tried to punish me. I stole one of his magical potions and fled. The potion I'd stolen was an inter-dimensional potion. I used it to escape and, after a time, perfected the potion myself. So I ran across many Earths, giving each a number based on how far they were developed in time.
At first the humans feared me. I'd try to help them and improve them as a race, but they only saw me as a threat to their "manifest destiny" So I let them be. I befriended a few who helped me blend in, how to fake clothing, breathing, blinking and speaking. And eventually I learned to help them in small ways, and to be kept scarce. A while ago I made an oath to protect them because I knew what they could become.

      "Incredible." Bipper breathed. "So you were human once-"
      "No. I am no more human than a table is a tree." I said.
      "I see. That's why you don't have a mind. You were never given one." He tilted his head. "But...what about those genocides you mentioned before? Was that on Bayllo?"
       "No that was Earth. I mentioned before that the bond works with people who have black or brown in their aura. Well, sometimes I came across those people, and they asked me to concure the Earth for them, or kill a couple of ememies. Well, that would eventually lead me to mass murder, and then corrupt ambition, and the next thing you know, you've got a planet full of blood thirsty drunk idiots who couldn't tell the difference between war and peace, blood or water. I...I couldn't stand the corruption. It had been my fault, every I...I ate the atmosphere and let the world burn."
       "Oh Lilac..." Bipper wrapped his arms around me. "It's okay. A few genocides isn't that bad."
       "Anyway," I said, "that's my story."
      "It's fabulous." Bipper said, hugging me tighter. He let go and smiled in my face. "I'm glad you shared that with me, Lilac, but there is just one thing bothering me."
      "What's that?"
      "Your name."
      "Naruma." I said, smiling. I intertwined my hand with his. "My real name is Naruma."
      "Naruma!" Bipper exclaimed. He laughed, in a possibly crazy way. "Naruma, you amazing, amazing thing! Naruma!"
       "Shh! Not so loud." I hissed, pressing a finger to his lips. He snickered.
       "We're going to be best friends." Bipper said. "Very best friends."

The new girl in Gravity Falls; by Joona IreneWhere stories live. Discover now