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By Joona Irene

~~Lilac POV~~

        I looked out the window, resting my chin in my hand. I knew Bipper was staring at me and I ignored him. I wanted to think for a moment or two before he decided to be crazy again.
        Bipper wanted me to fly. That was frightening, but fantastic at the same time. I'd told myself earlier that I would try really, really hard to not show so much of my powers to him because well, he IS a demon after all. But he seemed sincere. And I secretly did enjoy flying. The wind on my face, the clouds so close I could touch them, all my problems below me and rushing past, small, insignificant...
        "Here you go kids!" Susan came with our food. She set down my ice and sandwich and a glass pitcher of Pitt soda in front of Bipper. It had several pitts in it.
        "So, how does something like you eat?" Bipper asked, picking up the pitcher.
        "Like so." I said, popping an ice cube into my mouth. "No chewing required." I swallowed it, enjoying the chill it sent down my neck.
        "Cool." Bipper said. He then started chugging away at the soda, not caring if he spilt it all over his face...and neck...and shirt...
        "WOW!" He exclaimed, dripping in sweet sticky stuff. "I feel tingly all over! My mouth BURNS!" He kept it open, sticking his fingers in it and feeling around. "Fifth sis flso chool!" he said. I just ate my sandwich. He took his fingers out of his mouth and frowned at me.
        "Lilac, I thought you said you didn't need to chew." he chastised.
        "I don't-"
        "Then why are you chewing your food?" he asked pointedly. "Just swallow it whole!" I looked at the sandwich. Ice was okay to swallow whole because I saw somebody do it once, so I assumed it was fine. But humans always chewed sandwiches. Bipper looked at me expectantly.
        "You don't have to hide anymore Lilac." he said, looking at me in a funny way. "Not around me." I blinked and then swallowed the sandwich whole. I had to make sure nobody was looking, and I did it within the blink of an eye. But I had to admit that not taking the time to chew felt nice.
        "See? Isn't that better?" Bipper leaned back, putting his hands behind his head. "When you're around me, you can be yourself. Don't worry about looking normal, because I already know about that stuff. Well, most of it." He grinned at me. "So just relax alright?"
        "I won't change what I look like," I said. "Not for anyone. Not even you."
        "You didn't seem to have a problem with that this morning." He chuckled. I frowned.
        "That was your fault." I spat. He grinned wider.
        "Darling, I know." he laughed. "Loosen up!" I looked at my hands and swallowed my anger. He seemed to notice this, but didn't say anything. After a bit I noticed that my ice was melting so I finished the glass and pulled out a few dollars, setting them on the table.
        "You ready?" I asked him.
        "Yes!" he exclaimed, jumping out of the booth. Before I could move he came over and pulled me out. We ran out of the dinner and raced to the main street.
        "What are we doing now?" I asked, desperate for this day to be over. Bipper shrugged.
        "Whatever you want." He offered. "Swimming, or a trip to the arcade, maybe a stroll through the mall or the library..."
       "You're the one who wanted to spend the day with me," I pointed out. "Why don't you decide?"
       "Well, I don't want to do anything that would make you uncomfortable." He said, swinging his arms wildly. His shirt and face were still covered in the sticky soda. He probably wanted to go swimming, to get all that gunk off. But as much as I loved the water, it wouldn't be very good for a bunch of strangers to be around me in the pool. People brushed past us on the street as I sat, thinking.
       "Well, I am new here, kind of." I said, shrugging. "And you obviously know the town better than I do...I didn't even know there was a pool here."
      "Lilac, I want to do something that you find fun. Something you'd be comfortable with. Someplace you didn't have to hide." He said.
      "Well, alright then." I huffed. "Um...then, by my standards, I wouldn't mind some meditation."
      "Your idea of fun is to sit still and be quiet and think about nothing?" Bipper scoffed. I shrugged.
      "It's in my design." I said, with a little smile. "What more can I say?"
      "In your design indeed." Bipper growled. "What is with that phrase? What is your design?"
      "I'm not saying." I folded my arms.
      "I bet that's just an excuse." Bipper smirked. "You just want to bore me, and keep secrets. 'In my design' is your way of saying no."
       "That's not true!" I argued. "I was created for a specific purpose and to do certain things and act a certain way! Why else would I be here?"
      "I don't know." Bipper looked away for a moment before turning back to me. "You tell me."
     "I wouldn't know." I said angrily.
     "Oh, let me guess, it isn't in your design?" Bipper mocked me. "Listen Lilac, if you don't know what you're here for then just admit it."
     "But I do!" I nearly screeched. I was surprised that nobody even looked my way.
    "Then explain it to me!" Bipper shot back.
    "I am to serve the ki-" I stopped, furious that I almost said that outloud. Bipper smiled a toothy grin.
    "Serve the what?" He asked greedily. "I didn't quite catch that."
    "Forget it." I said quickly. "It isn't for your concern."
    "But I want it to be." He said. "I want to be your friend. How can I do that if I don't even know your design?"
    "I said forget it!" I yelled. He drew back, then smiled.
   "Challenge accepted." He whispered. "Let's go swimming!" He called out. He dashed off and I trailed behind him, cursing myself for getting so comfortable around him. Why was I doing this again? Because he threatened my friends. Because Mabel and Dipper wanted me to. What are they even doing? Where is Dipper? If I was taken from my body I'd want to stay close to it, to make sure they didn't do anything weird. I guess whatever they're doing must be important...
     Bipper didn't seem to care that he didn't have a bathing suit. I managed to copy one off another girl who wasn't looking, but changed the color to a deep dark blue. Bipper just jumped in, with his clothes on. Thankfully there were only a few people here, but I was still nervious. I sat on the edge and dangled my feet in the water. Bipper surfaced, spitting out water.
      "Man, isn't chlorine annoying?" He asked, his eyes red. He came over to me and hung off the wall.
     "Someone's watching you." He said, gesturing with his head to somebody behind me.
     "Someone is always watching me." I scoffed. Bipper laughed.
     "Yep!" He said, giving me a wink. "Like me!" With that he plunged back into the water. I briefly glanced over my shoulder towards where Bipper looked. I didn't know the guy, though he looked young. I looked back at the water, wiggling my toes. The water was cool in comparison with the warm air, and despite being nervious about getting revealed as the creature I was, I was enjoying myself. Bipper surfaced again and pulled himself up next to me.
     "Having fun?" He asked.
     "No, not really." I said. Suddenly he pushed me in, and I barely had time to react before I was suddenly underwater.
     I tried to swim up as normally as I could, and when I surfaced I took a breath (because that's what humans do) and saw Bipper laughing his head off.
      "What's so funny?" I spat. He grinned.
      "You are!" He said. "Oh, come on, don't give me that face! I had to do it once before we left, can you blame me?"
      "Yes." I said, climbing out. "Of course I can."
      "Well, since you aren't having enough fun we have to leave." He announced. We left the pool and went back to the same street. Now Bipper was dripping for an entirely different reason.
      "So, what do you want to do?" He asked, squirming.
      "Probably the same as before." I said, looking up at the sky. "Y' know, meditate."
      "I have a better idea." Bipper suggested.
      "What?" I asked
      "We could destroy something." He offered. I was surprised.
      "What kind of suggestion is that?" I asked.
      "The kind you'd say yes to." He said smugly. I glared at him.
      "And what gave you that idea?" I asked.
      "You did." He said simply. "You are, in nature, chaotic. I've been watching you, Lilac, and I know that you do enjoy a good demolition."
      "You don't know me very well, then." I said, upset. "I don't enjoy breaking stuff."
     "Really?" Bipper asked, smiling wide. "What about the Smith's house?"
     "How did I know you would bring that up?" I groaned.
      "Tell me, what was it about their murder that you hated so badly? The fact that you did it or the fact you didn't have a choice?" Bipper asked, the smile gone. "I could also talk about the many police cars, but I don't feel that's specific enough." He came closer.         "I know so much already, but compared to you I'm just a child. So I understand if all that knowledge becomes so overbearing that you'd have to break down and burn an entire house from time to time." He kissed me lightly on my cheek. Immediately I slapped him, hard, and he spun around before falling.
     "How dare you." I muttered. I sat down next to him, waiting for him to get up. I bet he was seeing stars right now. Which was fine, he deserved it. Eventually he sat up, my fingers very visible in red on his skin.
     "You are so perfect." He mumbled, looking at me. I didn't say anything. I didn't want to speak. "Lilac~" he sang. "Lilac Whites!" He sang again.
     "Yes Bill?" I akd him, annoyed.
     "I want to be friends." He said, like a puppy asking for a treat. I sighed.
    "No." I replied.
     "Aww, please~?" He begged. I shook my head.
     "But why?" He asked.
     "Because I don't entirely trust you." I said. "You not only are the most dedicated stalker possibly in the history of ever, but you have purple and brown in your aura. You scare me because you have hidden intentions. I don't know what they are, but they can't be good. Especially since you know what I am."
      "And what might that be?"
      "A Bluekin." I said, sadly. Then I realized what I had just done. I just said it. The taboo, my curse. That word. Bluekin...what I was. Not my name, but the name of my species, or so I was told. And I just blurted it out. Maybe because I had held it back for so long, for so many centuries, or maybe it was on account of the stupid bond. But now it was out, and I couldn't take it back.

The new girl in Gravity Falls; by Joona IreneWhere stories live. Discover now